From the Principal
Mr. Paul Aikman
From the Principal
Mr. Paul Aikman
Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Learning.
Staff, students and parents are encouraged to ensure we all operate and conduct our business at school according to these core values that were established by various members of our school community for the school community throughout the school review process in 2019.
Key focus areas for Donald High School in 2024
As part of our Annual Implementation Plan, and as part of the findings from our school review this year, our school has identified a number of key priorities we will be focussing on in 2024. These include:
There is also an expectation of all students to ensure they continue to grow and develop as learners, and for staff to continue to strive for improvement in themselves and the students.
On Tuesday 4th June, we had 5 or 6 students attend the LMR Cross Country. We had a number of good performances on the day including Abby Griffiths who finished third in the Senior Girls race and Hugo Funcke who finished fifth in the Junior Boys race. Other significant achievements will be acknowledged at future assemblies and throughout this newsletter. Our better performers will now have the opportunity to run in the VSSSA Cross Country in Burwood, Melbourne early in Term 3 if they are available. Thanks to Mr. Cashin and Mrs. Griffiths for their coordination and organisation of our competing students prior to and on the day of the LMR Cross Country.
Monday 27th May – Monday 3rd June was National Reconciliation Week and many of our staff and students wore a touch of yellow on their clothing on Wednesday 29th May to celebrate First Nations culture and strength. Many subjects and classes also focussed on learning tasks related to First Nations culture during this week.
Teachers have been busy over the last week or so, correcting final assessments and finalising grades prior to writing end-of-semester reports for each subject and year level they teach. This report is the culmination of all the Semester 1 work and assessment tasks that have been completed in each subject for each year level. Reports will be available online on Xuno after 2.30pm on Friday 28th June (last day of Term 2).
It has come to my attention that a number of students have been using their mobile phone during school hours, and for the wrong reasons. This is not allowed and it is a State government directive that students are not to use mobile phones at school between 8.45am and 3.25pm. Students are encouraged to leave their mobile phones at home or if they bring them to school, this is at their own risk and they are not to be accessing or using the mobile phone for any purpose during the school day, unless they have been given special permission to do so from their Year Level Coordinator or a member of the School’s Leadership Team. Student and parent support in adhering to the rules on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Our Year 10 students are completing some pre-driver training from Wednesday 12th June – Friday 14th June. All the students will experience both the theoretical and practical side of driving, learning about the road rules and many safe practices as a driver. We look forward to hearing about their experiences.
Can parents and students please take note of the graphic below. Last year we had too many of our students missing over 15 days of school (some students over 20 days). Some students this year have already had over 10 unexplained absences (half or full days). Everyone should be prioritising education and learning for all our students. The more time students spend at school, the greater the outcomes for their learning. All Year 7 – 12 students are expected to be at school for the whole day on a ‘normal’ school day. The only exceptions are for illness, medical appointments, or a family bereavement. Parents are encouraged to adhere to these guidelines for their child’s attendance.
I am available to talk to people at the school to assist you with any enquiries if required and can be contacted to make an appointment or have a discussion on Ph. (03) 5497 1205.
Paul Aikman.