Fabulous Foundation 

Fabulous Foundation

Term 2 Week 7- 31st  May, 2024 


2024 Australian Early Development Census.


The AEDC census is conducted every three years and on Friday 21st June, Prep teachers will complete the census for each student in their first year of school.  


Last week, further information was sent home in all Prep student's school bags. 

We ask that you take the time to read and understand this census. If you need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact Narelle Diggins. 



Prep Excursion - Myuna Farm

Monday 17th June.


It seems like such a long wait for the Preppies. We are still being asked daily “Is it farm day yet Ms Diggins or Miss Cohen?” Which is just gorgeous!  

Thank you to the families that have provided permission and payment paid for the excursion, If you haven’t as yet, we kindly ask that you do so by Wednesday 12th June.

 All the details are on compass!



What we are learning!



In week 7 all students have participated in 1:1 rich assessment tasks covering all topics that have been taught. Working 1:1 with each child gives us the opportunity to gain a strong understanding where each student may require support or extension. 


Students have been enjoying Maths lessons. We are using a range of concrete materials in order for students to gain a stronger understanding at the task on hand. Counters, Tens Frames, plastic manipulatives, and unifix blocks are all part of most of our maths lessons.  We have been covering addition stories, days of the week, and time of the day such as what we do morning, afternoon and night times, we have also been exploring tall and short as well as capacity such as what holds more.  It is wonderful to see all students enjoying these lessons and taking part!

In week 7 all students have participated in 1:1 rich assessment tasks covering all topics that have been taught. Working 1:1 with each child gives us the opportunity to gain a strong understanding where each student may require support or extension. 





Little Learners love literacy:


Preps are continuing their steamed phonics groups across the P-2 cohort. Four mornings per week, students move to their LLLL group when they receive targeted learning. The Preps are enjoying this and the Prep team has been receiving positive feedback from all groups Preps are in. Further assessments will be conducted week 8 of this term and new streamed groups will be created in term 2 according to assessment results. 


In week 7 all students completed a 1:1 literacy/comprehension/ assessment to test for their understanding of our recount text type we have been covering. It also gave students the opportunity to hear a text and relay what it was about and answer particular comprehension questions. 

In addition to regular handwriting lessons and learning about how to create full sentences as well as punctuation, Preps are enjoying learning about Recount text types.  Preps had a wonderful time visiting LePage Park recently and then we all wrote about it for our Recount Writing. We are extremely proud of the progression of the Prep writing and the Preps willingness to give writing sentences a try! 


Leader In me:


The Preps ‘shone’ at our Recent Leadership day. We all worked on Habit 6: Synergise.  

Prep A worked on small group activity to make beautiful mosaic style rainbow fish and Prep B worked together with their fluency partner on letter sounds. We have wonderful feedback from families that visited our classrooms. Thankyou to the parents for supporting this morning. 





Our topic this term is people and places in our community.  We have learned about the different types of teachers we have and there are many wonderful drawings of the Prep Staff proudly displayed in both classrooms.  We also were lucky enough to have a visit from the Kingston Council to talk to us about crossing supervision and road safety. This was an engaging morning and enjoyed by all students. 


Specialist timetable:

Monday: Music and Art

Wednesday: AUSLAN

Thursday: Culture, PE and Assembly




We are now sending home weekly readers according to your child’s assessed reading level. We encourage you to listen to your child’s reader nightly and ask questions such as Who, What, When, and How about the book at the end to strengthen their comprehension skills.

We check the reading diaries weekly. 


Important reminders:

- No Hats are required for outside play in Term 2 & 3.


  • Please ensure that every item of clothing, including lunch boxes are clearly labelled.
  • The T-shirt you all received at information night “I'm a leader in Prep at LePage are welcome to be worn by the Preps as part of their daily uniform. 
  • Please remember to ensure your child’s blue satchel is in their bag each day as we begin to put important forms and reminders in them.
  • Please ensure that your child has a substantial lunch such as a sandwich/roll/wrap or thermos for example for lunch along with a snack (cracker/yoghurt) and fruit or vegetables.
  • Please make sure your child has a spare change of clothes in the bags, just in case.