From the Principal 

Our Vision

Each child has a gift or talent. It is our job to find it and to show it to them.

Our Mission

Identify the talent, develop the confidence and create the leader.


 What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?


Exciting Excursion to Melbourne Zoo: A Day of Fun and Learning for Grades 3-6!

We are excited to share the wonderful experiences of our Grade 3-6 students who recently enjoyed a fun and educational excursion to the Melbourne Zoo. It was a day filled with adventure, learning, and unforgettable moments. Our students had the opportunity to see a wide variety of animals from around the world. From majestic lions to playful monkeys, the diverse wildlife captivated everyone’s attention.The zoo provided informative sessions where our students learned about animal habitats, conservation efforts, and the importance of protecting endangered species. These sessions were interactive, engaging, and tailored to our students’ age groups. Students gained a deeper understanding of various animal behaviours and the environments they live in. The trip emphasized the importance of conservation and how each one of us can contribute to protecting wildlife.

Our students attended special keeper talks where they learned fascinating facts about the animals directly from the zookeepers. These talks were a big hit and provided insights into the daily care and feeding of the animals.


The Band Visit to Cheltenham Secondary College

We are thrilled to share the exciting experiences of our band students who recently visited Cheltenham Secondary College. This enriching trip was filled with inspiring performances, engaging tutorials, and invaluable learning opportunities. Our students had the privilege of watching captivating performances by the talented Cheltenham Secondary College musicians. The diverse range of musical styles and high level of skill left our students inspired and eager to elevate their own performances. The tutorials were a major highlight, providing our students with hands-on learning experiences. They explored new techniques, honed their skills, and gained fresh perspectives on music performance and theory. From advanced instrumental techniques to innovative approaches in music theory, our students brought back a wealth of knowledge.

Insights on stage presence, audience engagement, and effective rehearsal strategies were key takeaways. The importance of collaboration and the joy of creating music together were emphasized throughout the visit. We plan to maintain our connection with Cheltenham Secondary College and explore opportunities for future joint performances and workshops. 


Creating a Fourth Year 1-2 Grade

This semester, new enrolments have seen the number of students in each Year 1-2 grade increase. This is a positive endorsement from parents in our local community, choosing Le Page Primary over other schools. This has also put strain on the students and teachers. To reduce grade sizes and to make the learning environment more supportive a fourth Year 1-2 grade has been created and will commence Wednesday June 12. Hannah Jackson will join the Year 1-2 teaching team. Hannah has worked at Le Page Primary over the past two years, covering all year levels and was the school’s preferred applicant. 

Hannah Jackson will be available for a parent-teacher meet and greet next week. Instructions for booking a time can be found at under Parent Teacher Conferences. These meetings will be 10 minutes. Normal SSG meetings for those students requiring such will happen in week 10 of this term. The classroom for the newly created 1-2D grade will be located at the same end of Block A, keeping all Year 1-2 grades together. 5-6A will relocate to another classroom downstairs in Block A. The new class list was decided, considering all criteria, as when creating class lists each year in Term 4. The Year 1-2 staff have taught this cohort for 16 weeks and know and deeply understand the student dynamics. Students remaining in existing grades and some entering the new grade may feel a little anxious. This is a common response to change. The staff are and will be mindful in their approach to supporting all the students socially and emotionally through this transition. The decision to create a fourth Year 1-2 grade was made with careful consideration and in the best interests of the students. Should parents wish to discuss this further please contact Courtney Mason or myself by making an appointment via the office.


Enrol Now for 2025: A Message to Parents at Le Page Primary

If you have children currently attending Le Page Primary and another child starting school in 2025, we encourage you to complete their enrolment as soon as possible. Early enrolment helps us plan effectively for the upcoming school year, ensuring a smooth transition and the best possible experience for your child. Early enrolment enables us to prepare personalised welcome activities, orientation sessions, and resources that will help your child feel comfortable and excited about starting school. Joining the Le Page Primary community early allows your child and family to become familiar with our school environment, staff, and other families, fostering a sense of belonging and support.

Enrolment forms are available at the school office or can be downloaded from our school website. If you have any questions or need assistance with the enrolment process, please do not hesitate to contact our school office. We are here to help you every step of the way.


Important Update: Ramp Replacement Project

We are pleased to announce that all the ramps around the school are being replaced to ensure a safer and more accessible environment for everyone. This essential upgrade is expected to be completed by the end of Term 2. The primary goal of this project is to enhance the safety and accessibility of our school premises. The new ramps will be compliant with the latest safety standards and accessibility guidelines, ensuring ease of use for all students, staff, and visitors. The construction work has already begun and is progressing smoothly. We anticipate that all ramps will be fully replaced and ready for use by the end of Term 2. To ensure the safety of everyone during the construction period, temporary barriers have been put in place. Certain areas of the school may have restricted access during the construction phase. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in following any temporary route adjustments. If you have any questions or concerns about the ramp replacement project, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 9583 8342. We understand that construction can be inconvenient, and we greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to improve our school’s infrastructure. Your support is vital to ensuring that we provide a safe and accessible environment for everyone. Thank you for your continued support and patience during this important upgrade.


Book Fair Success: A Big Thank You to Miss Anna and Team!

We are delighted to announce that our recent Book Fair was a tremendous success! Thanks to the hard work and dedication of Miss Anna and her amazing team of students, we exceeded our sales goal, reaching an impressive total of over $5000. This fantastic achievement will directly benefit our school’s library and literacy programs. A special thank you goes to Miss Anna for her exceptional leadership and organization. Her team of students worked tirelessly to set up, manage, and run the fair smoothly, ensuring a great experience for everyone. Our student volunteers were the heart and soul of the event. Their enthusiasm and commitment were evident in every aspect of the fair, from setting up displays to assisting customers. The funds raised will be used to purchase new books and resources for our school library, enhancing the variety and quality of reading materials available to our students. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported the Book Fair. Your participation and enthusiasm made this event a remarkable success.

We are already looking forward to our next Book Fair and other upcoming events that continue to foster a love of reading and learning within our community. 


Cultivating a Rich School Culture with "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

We are proud to share how the principles from Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," particularly the habit of being proactive, have significantly enriched our school culture. These habits have become an integral part of our daily lives, fostering an environment of growth, responsibility, and positivity.


Be Proactive:

Emphasising personal responsibility and initiative, being proactive has empowered our students and staff to take charge of their actions and decisions. This shift has led to a more accountable and motivated school community.


Begin with the End in Mind:

Setting clear goals has become a common practice. Students and staff are encouraged to visualize their objectives and work purposefully towards achieving them, leading to higher levels of accomplishment and satisfaction.


Put First Things First:

Prioritizing tasks effectively has improved time management and productivity. By focusing on important activities, students and staff can balance academic and extracurricular commitments more efficiently.


Think Win-Win:

Adopting a mindset of mutual benefit has enhanced collaboration and teamwork. This principle encourages empathy, fairness, and the pursuit of solutions that benefit all parties involved.


Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood:

Improving communication skills has been a cornerstone of our school culture. Active listening and empathy are emphasized, fostering a more supportive and understanding community.



Valuing differences and leveraging collective strengths has led to innovative solutions and creative problem-solving. The power of teamwork is celebrated and harnessed for the greater good.


Sharpen the Saw:

Encouraging continuous self-improvement and well-being, this habit emphasizes the importance of balancing physical, social, emotional, and mental aspects of life. Our school promotes a holistic approach to personal development.


Students are taking the initiative to lead various school projects and activities, developing their leadership skills and fostering a sense of responsibility. By setting goals and prioritising their studies, students have shown significant improvements in their academic achievements. A proactive approach to behaviour management has resulted in a more respectful and disciplined school environment. Students and staff actively participate in community service and outreach programs, reinforcing the habit of thinking win-win and giving back to the community. We believe that integrating "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" into our school culture will continue to yield positive results, shaping our students into well-rounded, proactive individuals ready to face future challenges.


Rosa Bingham

It is with heavy hearts that we share the passing of one of our loved grandparents Rosa Bingham. It was a pleasure working with Rosa over the years at Le Page Primary School. Rosa too, was a teacher and had a lifelong passion and drive for education. Her energy and warmth ignited a spark in the lives of many, making them the better for having known her. We send our best wishes to Wayne, Matthew, and the family. Rosa fought a very long battle with cancer. Her choices and determination extended her life expectancy beyond all prognoses. Follow Rosa’s oncologist’s article about Rosa’s journey.


Thought for the Week

"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot


Have a great weekend everyone. 


George Danson