Art / Cultural / Music / PE & Health / Library / Auslan

Specialist News 



Over the past three weeks of PE, all students from Prep to 6 completed their second and final Taekwondo session and two dance sessions.

Harry and Bernie from Melbourne Taekwondo Centre Bayside provided a fantastic two week program and all students thoroughly enjoyed these sessions. In the final session, all students had a chance to break the plastic boards using correct technique. Everyone was excited about this and we had students using great concentration and focus to take on this challenge.

As mentioned previously, Melbourne Taekwondo are moving down the road to 309 Warrigal Road and as a promotion are offering some free come and try sessions for our students. See the flyer below.


For the other two weeks, students have participated in a dance program which will run for the remainder of the term and is being lead by Claudia one of our ESS members in 56 team. Outside of school Claudia is a dance teacher 5 nights a week and also does dance competitions on the weekend. It is fantastic that she was willing to take on this role for the remainder of the term, and the children are so lucky to have her expertise and experience leading a dance program.

The students learn a dance routine per session which is taught in small steps and it was amazing to see all of them have a go and be able to complete the routine by the end of the session.

I am so very grateful to Claudia for taking on this program.


Jarrod Bradley

PE/Sports Coordinator





Culture Studies

In culture studies this week, students were given the opportunity to acknowledge and recognise the significance of our Australian Indigenous Culture through Sorry Day, where they coloured in printable hands and then swapped a hand with a friend, showing that we are coming together to learn and understand the importance of our first nations people. Students also understood the meaning behind Reconciliation week, where each grade coloured and decorated a leaf to make a class wreath. Students also learnt about Bunjil the creator of the land. Foundation students used their fingers to create an earthy watercolour Bunjil art piece. Year 1/2 students focused on their fine motor skills where they pasted small pieces of patterned Indigenous paper onto a Bunjil image. They also created a class collaboration art piece, drawing and decorating part of their arm and hand, showing that we are ’In this together, now more than ever. Year 3/4 students used various lines, shapes, and patterns to create a zentangle Bunjil art piece. Year 5/6 students created a paper collage inspired by Indigenous Australian landscape art pieces.  









Visual Arts

Last week in Visual Arts, Foundation students have started to focus on Australian animals, where they practised their cutting and pasting skills to create a kookaburra paper collage. They were also inspired by the book ‘Edward the Emu’, where they followed step-by-step instructions, making various lines in different directions to create a colourful emu drawing. Year 1/2 students began a new art piece, the ‘Coral Reef’ collage. Year 3/4 students continued to work on their Rainforest Camouflage’ art piece by adding more paper leaves and drawing animals to add to their art piece. Year 5/6 students also continued to create their ‘Cardboard Animal Portrait’ by painting and adding detail to their art piece.













We have had a super successful Term 2 so far. Our Scholastic Book Fair finished last week and we made a whopping $5314! This is our biggest fair yet, and we could not have done it without everybody’s support! 


Our next project is an International Bookshelf full of books in other languages. If your family speak a language other than English at home, and you can donate some books in that language to the library, that would be awesome.


Thank you so much, and keep on reading!