5/6J's Phillip Island Camp Adventures 

Check out our camp reflections and photographs!


During our 5/6 Phillip Island Adventure Camp experience, we participated in one of the best activities ever - canoeing! Firstly, we were given safety gear to wear and went through a briefing of the activity. Next, we placed our canoe into the water and hopped on with a partner and paddles. After that, we started to canoe and before we knew it, we were experts at exploring the lake, which was interestingly in the shape of Australia - how cool is that?! To finish off, we played a game of tag which was an exciting but tough game. In conclusion, canoeing was the best activity and it really tested our survival skills. 

Thisath, Paris & Thot

Camp Food

Camps usually have a bad reputation for their food, but for Phillip Island, the food was Michelin style, in other words it was 'top notch'. Firstly, we started our day with continental breakfast which included toast, cereal and saucy spaghetti. The lunch entailed a variety of Aussie classics such as a juicy meat burger and a refreshing salad roll. Out of all the meals, dinner was by far the best with a bunch of delicious favourites such as a rich pasta Bolognese and tender chicken schnitzel with crunchy fries and a flavourful salad. Let's not forget the dessert, which included decadent chocolate mousse and creamy ice cream with generous topping options. At every meal we washed the food down with refreshing drinks such as lime cordial and apple juice. In conclusion, we ate a variety of Michelin style food at our 5/6 Adventure Camp in Phillip Island.  

Yilong & Ayush

Ga-Ga Ball

During camp, one of the most popular free time activities was Ga-Ga Ball. Firstly, to start the game, people would enter the octagon-shaped Ga-Ga pit and throw a ball to bounce three times. Next, players inside the pit would start to hit the ball with their hands and try to get other players out. If you got hit below the waist, you were officially eliminated from the pit. In the end, two players would compete for the win. It was a very enjoyable experience with our friends and we hope to play this new and thrilling game again!

Aiden, Anthony & Maxwell

Giant Swing

The giant swing was an unforgettable experience at camp which was really exciting but scary at the same time. Before we got on the giant swing, we had to do a safety briefing about the equipment we had to wear. The giant swing was the best activity because you got to feel the cool breeze and view the beautiful lake while you were swinging up high. Most of us felt adrenaline rushing through our bodies which made our stomachs drop but was still an awesome experience. The giant swing was 18m high and a lot of people screamed as it was their first time. In the end, the giant swing was the most fun filled activity at camp. 

Isabelle, Hannah & Destiny


The campfire at Phillip Island Adventure Camp was an extraordinary experience! Initially, we went on a guided night walk to the campfire site holding our torches. Then we were given a stick and 2 jumbo marshmallows from the teachers and asked to wait for our turn. Meanwhile, we chatted to our friends and looked out for wildlife while waiting. After that we gave our marshmallows to the teachers so they could roast them for us just in case we burnt ourselves. To finish off, we ate our delicious marshmallows while enjoying the company of our friends under the night sky. That was our amazing campfire experience! 

Scarlett, Charlotte & Mackenzie

                           A Maze’n Things

Have you ever wondered why A Maze’n Things is so amazing? Well, firstly they have a non-gravity room where your brain gets confused and as a result you feel as though you are floating - how cool! Additionally, they have a Mirror Maze which looked like something from a movie; we had to put our hands in front of us to escape! Lastly, entering the magic room was truly ‘magical’ and did not disappoint. We played with a magic dice box, saw a piece of cloth teleport, saw Miss Leong disappear and touched a ‘cold fire’. 

These are just a few reasons why A Maze’n Things is so amazing. 

Tabatha, Angelynn & Noura

Archery / Boulder Wall / Low Ropes / Team Rescue

                   'Life is better with friends'

Single-Paragraph Outline

In Literacy this week, 5/6 J have been learning how to write coherent and detailed paragraphs using the Single Paragraph Outline (SPO) with Mr Kumar and Miss Leong (ACU pre-service teacher). The SPO is a way to plan a paragraph for an information report, a persuasive piece or any other type of text.  SPOs have a topic sentence (TS), supporting details and a concluding sentence (CS) for each paragraph. 

A TS explains the main idea of the paragraph. 

Supporting details are the key information that support the topic sentence.

A CS summarises the main idea of the paragraph. 

We have incorporated our new learnings about SPO in creating our camp reflections for this weeks newsletter. 

We hope you enjoyed reading them - 5/6J