We are SMart in 1/2SM!

We are having a great term so far in 1/2SM! One of the things we love doing most is seeing our buddies in 3/4W. We sit with them every week when we go to mass, and sometimes we see them to eat lunch together, or do activities. Last week, there was no class mass, but we still got to see our buddies. We got together and did a fun activity, decorating a photo frame to hang up in our classrooms. 


Here’s some reasons why we like seeing our buddies:

“She helps to cheer me up.” - Sophia
“I do fun stuff with her.” - Mia
“She reminds me to do the right thing.” - Veronica
“He’s funny when he tells me jokes.” - Lucas
“I can eat lunch with her.” - Noah
“He’s cool and fun.” - George T
“I play soccer with him, and when I scored a goal he said well done!” - Maxwell
“She’s kind and she helps me with my work.” - Melody
“He is kind and always says hi to me at the fake grass.” - Sebastien
“She’s really funny.” - Kate
“She’s really kind and always hugs me.” - Zahara
“He is friendly and then talks nicely to me.” - Josh
“She takes care of me.” - Andi
“She’s kind and helps me with buddy tasks.” - Josh
“She’s very silly and makes me laugh.” - Aria