A message from David & School Council UPDATE

Principal's Report

Dear Box Hill North Community,


This is my last official contribution to the newsletter and I wanted to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for your ongoing support. It was always my aim to provide education experiences for all children that were inspiring and designed to promote curious minds in both, the kindergarten and primary school. I believe that with the commitment constantly demonstrated on a daily basis from you as parents, carers, family and friends, together with the passion and expertise of our dedicated staff, this has become the reality and expectation at Box Hill North.


I realise that my communication last week will have come as a surprise and while it was not my intent to conclude time at Box Hill North so quickly, the opportunity to change role was timely. I have been humbled by your kind words received since this time and very much appreciate the well wishes of the community. I leave knowing that the kindergarten and primary school are in safe hands, with an incredibly strong foundation for exceptional education. This has been a collective effort between home, staff and importantly, the children. 


The Department are working closely with the School Council to action the employment process of principal. They met to discuss the next steps on Monday this week and regular communication will keep you informed of the process. In the meantime, Ains will act in the role as principal. Ains has strong working knowledge of the necessary processes and relationships of our community to continue leading Box Hill North in the right direction. She is well supported by an incredible staff who want nothing less than the absolute best for every child.


Tomorrow, I look forward to visiting classrooms in the afternoon before attending assembly with opportunity to say goodbye in person. Thank you for being part of the journey. It has been a privilege to lead this community  and I’ll be sure to follow the continued successes of the children from Box Hill North.  







Dear Box Hill North PS Community,


Following David’s announcement last week, the School Council has been informed by the Department of Education about the next steps in identifying a new principal for Box Hill North Primary School. 


Firstly, we are grateful to Ainslie Peszynski for stepping up into the role of Acting Principal of the school for the remainder of Term 2. During this time, a process will take place to select an Acting Principal for the duration of Term 3. This will allow us time to conduct a full and comprehensive process to identify the best possible candidate to be the next substantive principal at Box Hill North PS. The commencement date for our new principal will be the beginning of Term 4.


The school council will work through each step of these processes with the Department of Education to ensure a smooth transition for our school. Meanwhile, our school is in great hands and we look forward to the exciting next chapter at Box Hill North.



BHNPSK School Council