Parents & Friends

Dear All,
As we are heading towards winter our Stay, Play and Chat room will be opened every Wednesday mornings from 8:45am until 9:15am in the Community Room. So if you have a toddler or just want to catch up with mums and enjoy a warm drink with great conversations come along and join us.
We are very excited to to be organizing our School Disco this year which will be hosted by our Year 3 and 4 parents. This years theme is “DRESS AS YOUR FAVOURITE POP STAR”. It will be held on Thursday 20th June 2024, from 5:30pm until 7:30pm in the Specialist Campus. The DJ will be playing all the children's favourite tunes including Taylor Swift for all the swifty fans and maybe even some MJ. This year we will be serving a Hot dog and a treat, but we do ask you to bring along a water bottle for your child as there will be no other drinks. All children will receive some glow sticks as well as have some neon face paint as they enter the Disco.
Tickets are $15 per child and will go on sale as of today and will close on Monday 17th June 2024. Also please let your reps know of any dietary requirements. So start booking away!
On Monday we had Year 5/6M Cake Stall on the beautiful sunny day. Thanks to our little bakers, Iggy, Ava V, Anna, Nick G, Siena H, Anna T and our wonderful parents Kelly, Liz, Dani, Cath, Daniela and Lizzie who gave up their time to serve all the amazing cakes made by our parents, children and careers. Thank you.
Lastly we ask you to SAVE THE DATE for July 20th 2024 for our Major Fundraiser for this year ‘CHRISTMAS IN JULY’. We are putting together a committee to help organise this event so if you are interested please click the link and we will be in touch with you very soon to start organizing for this event.
On behalf of the P & F have great weekend and enjoy our last days of Autumn.