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Time Saving Tips for Parents
- Cook in bulk and freeze in meal size portions, ready for busy week-night dinners. Buying larger quantities should also save money.
- Give all family members age-appropriate chores. It takes time to train younger members in how to wash dishes say, but you win the time back in the long run. Not to mention it teaches them valuable life skills. My boys left home able to shop, cook, clean, do their own washing and generally manage basic life skills – much to the happiness of their wives!
- Keep on top of laundry and cleaning every day. We do a little a lot, which saves washing and cleaning becoming unmanageable or overwhelming.
- Do your hardest or most vital tasks when you are most productive.
- Pay your bills online or automate them.
- Use your time twice – i.e exercise while catching up with a friend, clean and listen to podcasts or audiobooks, read while on your public transport commute. But… don’t multitask on things that require focus – this actually reduces productivity
- Say “no” more often. Don’t say yes just because you find it hard to say no. If you honestly don’t have the time/interest/energy for something you have been asked to do, then consider saying no. This can also help prevent burnout. Sometimes people are asked because they seem more cooperative, so they get the extra work a lot and others get away with little. Encourage the asker to look elsewhere. Sometimes we are asked to do things we might feel it would be ‘unchristian’ to refuse. Pray about it first – it may not be where God wants you to spend your time.
- Do tasks right away if they take less than 5 minutes so they don’t build up. For instance deal with the mail, pick up mess, put things away, clean dishes etc.
- Minimise everyday decisions i.e. prepare for the next day the night before, have a simple mix and match wardrobe, have routines.
- Have a list of fast and healthy options for meals for when you are short on time.
- Have a checklist of groceries you always buy, instead of writing a new list every time.
- Find ways to manage social media consumption so it doesn’t distract you.
- Set times to answer emails and use templates if you write the same message a lot.
- Unsubscribe to newsletters you no longer want to read.
- Batch similar tasks together like writing emails, printing or shopping to save time on travel and increase efficiency because you are in the right headspace.
- Delegate where appropriate.
- Track where you are spending your time then consider if lifestyle changes are needed.
- Use time waiting for appointments to do work tasks or to relax.
- Use the dishwasher to wash more than dishes – i.e. things, canvas sneakers, non electrical plastic toys, baseball caps, hairbrushes and combs. Make this a separate load to your regular dishes though!
- Write lists of things to do as you think of them so you don’t have to stress about remembering them or spending time trying to remember them.
- Look for time saving ideas on the internet – there are lots more!
Heather Mellow
Newsletter Editor