News from the Board

This year the Board is working through a book called Heartbeat. This CEN book is a collection of insights into educator’s reflections around biblically faithful Christian education. At the start of each Board meeting we work through and discuss a chapter as our devotions. Last week (our May meeting) we focused on chapter 3, written by Kathy Pereira (CEN Governance Coordinator) titled ‘Understanding the Mundane as Sacred, Godly Governance in Christian Schools’. It was a great reminder to look back, to be grateful for, that we are standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, that we have the honor of continuing the vision set by our founders. The concept of parents being the drivers and keepers of the vision of the school and deeply engaged in the governance of the school is a wonderful legacy we should treasure. One of the challenges for Christian school governance as we move into being middle aged (MECS turned 50 last year) is ensuring the commitment to the vision and values of Christian education are nurtured and valued by the school community. This is outworked in strong memberships with vibrant, engaged boards and effective school leadership. Have you thought about becoming an Association member? Contact Jenny Taylor in the office for more information today!
At our meeting we reviewed a Student report. We enjoyed hearing about the recent Chin celebration day, as well as the exciting reports of what has been happening with the Faith Leadership team, as well as many other encouraging updates across the school. We are also working towards a smooth transition with a new Business Manager.
It was encouraging to see a good representation of parents, staff and board members at the Town Hall event last week. It was an evening of powerful stories and testimonies of God's goodness and His people using their gifts to honour, build up, and strengthen our students and families. It was a galvanizing evening for Christian education and should send a strong message to politicians about what we value within our schools.
If you would like a copy of Heartbeat please see the office.
Don’t forget our AGM is tonight! 7.00pm in the gym for dessert, 7.30pm meeting start. We hope to see you there!
Nicole Nyhouse
On behalf of the Board