Junior Secondary 

News from Years 7 - 9

Year 7 Bottle Rockets

Last week in Year 7 Science we launched our bottle rockets that had been designed using knowledge we learned in the recent unit on ‘Forces and Motion’.

What did you learn from this assignment?

I learned that there are so many different forces acting on a single rocket that is going up into the sky. That there are many forces acting on us when we are doing every day things, like walking or sitting.

How did you feel when you managed to launch your rocket successfully?

I felt proud of the rocket I had made, even though it did not go as far as I had hoped, I was still happy with the effort I had put into my rocket. 

Did you enjoy the hands on experience and launching with your classmates?

It was very enjoyable to share the launch with our classmates and the hands on experience of making the rocket that you worked really hard on, enhanced the moment of the launch.

What did this activity teach you about God's laws of forces and motion? How did it help you understand how intelligent and well designed God's world is?

It taught me that forces are incredible, invisible things that make our life easier and harder at the same time. It taught me that the world is so much more complex and so well thought out than I originally believed.



Year 7