From Our School Leaders

We have had another wonderful fortnight at Scoresby! Our Foundation and Year 6 students went on their buddy excursion to the Melbourne Museum, our Year 1/2 students visited Healesville Sanctuary, our HEART Captains began a Games Club at lunchtimes, our Year 5/6 students participated in their first winter sports day, some of our Year 3/4 students had an opportunity to write a story with author Jacquline Harvey, we held a ‘Stepping into Foundation’ Open Evening for Foundation 2025 parents and, finally, our PFA met to begin planning for our Market Day in October.
Curriculum Day – Knox Park
Our teachers are always looking to learn and continually improve their teaching practice. To this end, all our teachers and ES staff visited Knox Park Primary School as part of our Curriculum Day last week. We were able to extend our knowledge in the teaching of reading, writing and spelling using the Write2Read approach. Teachers had the opportunity to see lessons in action, and ask questions around implementation and best practice. Here in the Knox Network we are lucky to have schools who are willing to share their expertise to improve outcomes for all students. Thank you to Rachael, Olivia and Bec for all of your hard work.
Bullying Prevention Policy
Our Education Sub-committee of School Council is currently in the process of reviewing our Bullying Prevention Policy. This policy is reviewed every second year and we are looking for information from our school community around this issue. We would appreciate it if you could take the time to answer our Parent Survey to give us more information around any bullying occurring at Scoresby Primary School. To complete the survey please click the link below:
Wellbeing Week - Monday 17th to Friday 21st June
Next week we will be holding our Wellbeing Week for Term 2. There will be lots of different activities for students to do, both in and out of their classrooms. On Monday afternoon we will be having a Scoresby Superstars session, and later in the week we will complete some mindfulness activities in our classrooms. During lunchtimes we will be running activities such as chalk drawing, mindful colouring and yoga. The week will culminate with our PJ and Movie Day on Friday. For a gold coin donation, which is going to Kids Helpline, students are invited to come dressed in their pyjamas and each class will watch a movie (there may even be some popcorn!).
Thank You – Recycled Roots And Leaves
Recycled Roots and Leaves is a unique plant rescue nursery on Monbulk Road in Silvan. Ms Donna Grundy, the owner, has worked in plant nurseries for over 25 years and is passionate about reducing waste within the horticultural industry. Her nursery takes discarded plants from wholesale nurseries across the Dandenong Ranges and Yarra Valley and gives them a second chance at life by re-homing plants which would otherwise end up in landfill.
This nursery is a welcoming business which provides opportunities for disability workers and women to work in a safe, inclusive, positive happy, environment, and support one another.
She has generously donated these plants for our upcycled tyre garden beautification project.
2025 Prep Enrolments
Prep enrolments for 2025 are now open. The Department of Education and Training has released a new state-wide Foundation digital enrolment and timeline, and this timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation at a Victorian government primary school. Enrolments are now open; please click here for the registration link and to complete the enrolment application.
Enrolment timeline:
● Submit an enrolment form for Foundation by Friday 26th July 2024
● You will be notified of the outcome of your application on Monday 29th July
●When you receive an offer of placement, you should accept the offer by Friday 23rd August 2024. You can accept only one placement offer.
Scoresby Primary School Leaders, Term 2