Willy Kids

Respect    -    Learning    -   Resilience  -  Responsibility 

Term 2 - Willy Kids are Learners

Week 7 & 8: Growth Mindset

Willy Kids have a Growth Mindset


The way we approach our learning journey can have a massive impact on how we develop our knowledge and skills. Having a growth mindset means that qualities like our intelligence, ability and personality can change, grow and flourish depending on our attitude. Sometimes we might encounter challenging tasks and activities, but having a positive attitude towards trying something new, or persisting when things get hard is the way to go.


Remember, we might not have it today, but there is always tomorrow!


We can apply a growth mindset to our learning by:

* seeking out challenges

* never giving up, believing in ourselves and doing our best (saying ‘not yet’ instead of ‘I can’t)

* looking for opportunities to learn and improve 

* building on tasks and situations that we’ve already mastered

* choosing a ‘just right’ challenge

* taking risks in our learning