Senior Years Update

The past two weeks have seen us focus on managing the academic load. Students have been balancing multiple assessments, the demands of learning new content and the need to review old content. We have also been preparing for our Year 11 examinations and the General Achievement Test (GAT). 

Year 11 

Our Year 11 students have been engaging with study skills sessions in preparation for their mid-year examinations. These sessions have introduced students to the background of learning and memory and ways to maximise their study time. They have engaged in sessions looking at models of memory and practicing study skills such as mind mapping and brain dumps. Throughout their homegroup sessions for the next two weeks, students will be shown a variety of different study techniques. These include examining the demands of the VCAA directive terms, the effective use of palm cards, interleaving study, spacing out study (spaced practice), the effective use of highlighting as well as strategies to interrogate and unpack a question. There are also lunchtime sessions running on a Thursday to help students manage their study timetables. 

Year 12

Our Year 12 students have been taking time to prepare for their final celebrations. They have been reflecting on the impact people at Shelford have had on their educational journey and on the fun times they have shared together. We have been compiling memories, letters or comments of thanks and photos and videos that will be used to celebrate the Class of 2024. This has provided a welcome space of reprieve from the growing demands of assessments and a general sense of illness. Given that we are entering into cold and flu season, students have been reminded of the cornerstones to success - sleep, hydration, nutrition, and exercise.  

Year 11 and 12

To help support the ongoing health of our senior students, we will run a Flu clinic at Shelford on Monday the 27th of May. Students have been provided with the below information and are asked to book should they wish to engage with this program. Below is an extract from the Shelly news item, and a booking link. 


We are welcoming Interconnect Healthcare on-site on Monday May 27th 10.15am - 12.30pm to administer Flu vaccinations for senior students if interested. 

The cost for the flu vaccination is $19 payable at time of booking directly to Interconnect. To book, please click this link: 

Rebecca Wright

Year 11/12 Coordinator