
2024 ResourceSmart Awards - Melbourne
The ResourceSmart 2024 theme was Legendary legacies - what will you leave behind?
We'd like to congratulate the winners of all awards! Although we didn't win the School of the Year, we are really proud of everything we have, and continue to achieve.
Here's a snippet of what ResourceSmart had to say about our school in the lead up to their awards last week.....
"This 5 Star school inspires sustainability and is always keen to support others in their sustainability work. In 2023 the school participated in and hosted teacher network meetings and contributed to developing the Department of Education’s Environmental Sustainability in Schools Policy. By joining the Container Deposit Scheme and implementing a smart bin system, the community has reduced the amount of landfill it creates. The campus wetland and biodiversity outdoor learning area are the cherries on top of this small but powerful school of 53 motivated students."
If you're interested in finding our more about the awards, please visit
Seed Saving to Serving Sustainable Food
Our school is one of 1,041 primary schools and early learning centres across Australia to receive a Woolworths Junior Landcare grant to help grow our next generation of environmental champions.
The aim of our project is to create a more sustainable school food production cycle through saving seeds, propagation of plants and setting seeds. The children will be involved in hands-on experiences learning the cycle of seed saving, propagating plants, growing, harvesting, eating and setting seeds to continue the cycle. The expected (environmental and educational) outcomes of the project include developing food security, an understanding of where our food comes from and the life skills to sustainably grow food.
Jo Thompson has been integral in initiating the project and sharing her expertise with the students. The students have already started the project, with the F/1 and 2/3/4 classes making seed packets for seeds they have collected from our vegetable garden – we’ll keep you updated!
Click on the Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant interactive map to read more about our project and others.
Slowing Down Fast Fashion . . .
The years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 students have been learning about fast fashion and its impact on the environment. They have also been exploring ways to reduce the impact. One of the suggestions the students made, was to pass clothes that they no longer wear, to others. A clothing swap was decided upon. It was decided that they would have a Clothing Exchange.
This clothing exchange will take place on Thursday 27 June at the Makers Market. Students will be able to take one item of clothing from the rack at no cost, regardless of whether they bring an item for the swap or not.
For those of you who can, please send an item of clean clothing (not school uniform) in good condition to the school for the clothing exchange. We don't expect everyone will have something spare but if your child's jeans are half way up their shins, we want them!
Clothing can be dropped off at the office.