Junior Learning Community


Last week the Grade 1 & 2 students participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime. This year the story was ‘Bowerbird Blues.’ We got to explore what bowerbirds are and the type of nests that they create. The students found it intriguing how bowerbirds collect different coloured items to store in their nests, attracting other bowerbirds. We then got to create our own nests or ‘bowers’ in the classroom, using lots of different coloured materials and objects. Some students have even created bowers outside during recess and lunch! 



We have continued to learn about the past, present and future of different places, and last week the students learnt about some of the foods that Australians used to eat over 200 years ago! Our classes were not too impressed and glad that we have an incredible number of yummier options in our supermarkets. The students also got to become inventors who created their own rules for an old game board. 


As mentioned in our last newsletter, in week 9, on Thursday the 13th of June, the Grade 1 & 2 students are participating in a history walk where they will be guided to different places within Cobram. Some of the places we will be visiting include the Log Cabin, Cobram State School & the old Wheat Silos. A letter will be sent home with more information soon. 


Fruit Time 

We have noticed that some students haven’t been bringing fruit to school to eat during our fruit break times. Just a reminder that we have two fruit breaks each day and students can eat either fruit, yoghurt or cheese during this time. 


Home Reading 

Just a reminder to sign in your child’s home reading within their reading log. Home reading ensures that students are consolidating their learning and developing fluency. 


Date for your diary:  

Grade 2 will be on Assembly Prayer in Week 9