Community Events:

PREPS for 2025
If you know any potential Preps for 2025 please let them know about our Prep Expo on Wednesday 26th June 4.30-5.30pm.
WORKING BEE - Sunday 23rd June
Please come and lend us a hand at our working bee on Sunday 23rd June - 9am - 11am.
No experience necessary!
We will aim to work on painting our down ball squares and staining the Gaga pit.
School Sport Victoria - 12 and Under Boys and Girls Softball
Do you have a Baseball or Softball Enthusiast in your year 5 and 6? School Sport Victoria are running trials for the SSV 12 and Under Boys and Girls Softball Teams in July and August. Softball Victoria would like to see a record number of students at these trials to enable School Sport Victoria officials to pick the absolute best players possible. In the past we have not seen many baseballers (girls particularly) nominate to trial. With Baseball not being an option for these students at this age level, we are asking you to encourage those players with transferrable skills to consider nominating. Nominations for both the boys’ and girls’ teams close on Thursday 18 July 2024 at 11:59pm. These teams play at the School Sport Australia National Championship in October in Cairns, Queensland,
More information can be found on the School Sport Victoria website here. Alternatively, you can get in touch with either Danielle Rigg or Jo Schutt – Jo and Danielle will be coaching at this year’s Championship.