Prep to Grade 2:

We have had another busy fortnight in P/1, learning the phonemes for Ll and Vv. We continue to practice our heart words and blending 3 sounds together to read words. It has been so great to hear the children grow in confidence reading the Tim and Pip book series in both group and individual reading times.
After making mini pizzas, we have done some great writing to explain the process in our procedure writing. We have talked a lot about what is needed in a sentence - a capital letter at the start, finger spaces between words, writing on the lines using correct letter formation, and full stops at the end. They have worked very hard to produce some beautifully presented writing. You will be able to see it at our 3-way conferences coming up in a couple of weeks.
In Maths we have been looking at data, how to collect it and how we can represent it in different types of graphs - pictographs, bar graphs and Venn diagrams. We surveyed each other to find out which pizza toppings were the favourite! Next week we'll be looking at different types of patterns. Fun!
We have also been talking a lot about our feelings and what zone the children feel they are in. Each morning and after lunch, the children have been placing a coloured teddy in their zone - it's been great to see so many in the green zone, where they feel calm, happy, focused and ready to learn!! The ones in blue zone often feel tired... it's been a long term and we have all been working so very hard!!
1/2 A
Last week, year 1s were revising their LLLL stage 7.2 sounds /ar/, /or/, /er/, and /air/. This week we have made a start on the first stage 7.3 sound /oo/.
Grades 2s have been working through alternative graphemes like when letter t makes the sound /ch/ and s makes the sound /zh/. This week they've been working with tricky word endings -tion, and -sion. This has been great for building up spelling and morphology rules and expanding vocabulary.
In writing this fortnight, we've started a new procedure on how to make fairy bread. Students loved working through the process and getting to eat their tasty treat.
For Maths, we've been looking at fractions. We have been building our understanding of equal parts, halves, quarters, and eighths. Students have been noticing fractions everywhere and were quick to point out that our fairy bread was cut into halves!
In Inquisitive minds, we have moved into a new unit of study looking at Design Technology. We have started by looking at where our food comes from and how it is harvested/collected using tools and machinery. Why not ask them how we get our potato chips from the freezer aisle in the supermarket? Or how we get our milk!
Exciting news!!We are very lucky to have been offered an incursion from PrimeSCI! (Science Education at Swinburne University of Technology) who will be attending our school on Monday 24th of June for a hands-on exploration of forces and motion through the properties of toys!! Prep students will enjoy the workshop, followed by Grades 1 and 2.