Connect: Year 6
Term Two 2024 - 6A, 6B & 5/6C
Connect: Year 6
Term Two 2024 - 6A, 6B & 5/6C
As we approach the end of the term, we would like to take a moment to acknowledge and express our pride in our students' remarkable accomplishments. This term has been incredibly busy, with many of our students participating in numerous extracurricular activities. The Prep Buddy program, the Peacekeeper program, Skye Footy League and Hoop-Time to name a few. In addition to these exciting experiences, our students have continued learning in the classroom and are doing their best, competing numerous assessments, collaborative tasks and building positive relationships with their peers. We are truly impressed by their dedication and enthusiasm.
There are several important dates coming up in the next fortnight - be sure to mark your calendars! It isn't holiday time yet (we are getting close though).
-Parent Teacher Interviews can now be booked via sentral. This day is a pupil free day.
-Hot Dog Day. If you child would like a hot dog lunch please pay via QKR.
-Attendance is critical in your child's learning journey.
Key Dates
Lightning premiership ......................................................................21st June
Parent Teacher Interviews ..............................................................24th June
NAIDOC week community picnic (1pm- 1:30pm)..................24th June
Clean up Australia Day ....................................................................26th June
Hot Dog Day .......................................................................................27th June
House Gymnastics Challenge ......................................................27th June
Last Day of School ............................................................................28th June
Upcoming Learning
Over the next two weeks, in Reading we will continue to explore the engaging story of Runt. We will delve deeper into the text through a range of vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency activities, designed to strengthen our understanding of the characters, plot, and themes. Additionally, we will continue to participate in Literature Circles, where groups will read and discuss their shared books. Students will complete tasks that encourage them to make connections with their own lives, think critically about the text, and foster a deeper appreciation for fiction.
Over the next two weeks, in Writing students will embark on a research project to explore the life of a famous person. Using their understanding of biographical features students will plan, draft, and publish their own biography on their chosen individual.
Before the end of term, students will learn how to perform various decimal operations, including addition and subtraction, as well as multiplication and division by powers of 10. They will also develop their skills in calculating percentages of given amounts.
Students will learn about the history of Australian immigration. They will be exposed to historical artefacts and stories of families who have immigrated to Australia.
Students will also continue their presentations of significant events/ famous historical people over the next 2 weeks.
Our students have continued to demonstrate their ability to self-regulate their learning by using their 'Ready to Learn WiFi' scales effectively. In our morning circles, we have been focusing on our school-wide positive behaviour values, promoting a culture of respect, resilience, relationships and responsibility throughout the school.
5/6 Hoop-time
Big shout out to all the students that participated in Hoop-time. Well done to the Allstar Boys for winning the Grand Final.
We hope you have an amazing final 2 weeks before the Term 2 holidays.
Kind regards,
The 6A, 6B and 56C Team