Senior School

Year 11+12

Key Dates

Week 8Mon 3 JuneYear 11 Assembly, period 6
 Fri 7 JuneUnit 1 Exams commence
Week 10Tue 18 JuneGAT - All Unit 3+4 students
 Fri 21 JuneStudent-free Day: Report Writing Day 
Week 11

Mon 24 June -

Tues 25 June

Year 11 Study Retreat

SAC absences

Reminder for all VCE students: any absence from a SAC must be supported by a medical certificate, or be an approved sporting absence through the MSA (Academy students only - use the link below).

An unapproved absence will result in the student receiving a score of zero for the SAC. The student will still be expected to complete the SAC when they return to school.

Uniform reminder

The Senior School team have been blitzing uniform over the past week. Please be reminded to be in the correct school uniform at all times. Year 12 students this include wearing a shirt underneath your jumper!


Year 12 SAC season

Congratulations to all the Year 12 students who are studying and working hard in the completion of your final SACs for Unit 3. As we near the end of term come for a check in with the Year 12 team if your are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. We are here to help!


Year 12 Physics students

Eric Kuzu, Year 12 dux 2023, is running tutoring sessions on Wednesdays after school from 3:15pm - 4:15pm. Sit down with Eric to get help with questions and maximise your marks!

Year 11 students - Join the Year 12 jumper design committee!

If you're interested in working on the design for the 2025 Year 12 jumper, please complete the form below to express your interest. Be aware that this will require you to give up your own time to work on a few designs. A selection of designs will be presented to the Year 11 cohort to vote on in Term 3. If you need more information, speak to Mr Fletcher in the Senior School.

Unit 2 subject changes

Any student wanting to request a subject change for Unit 2 must complete the form below. The deadline for requests is Friday 7th June. Bear in mind the following:

  • You were extensively course counselled in Year 10 about your Year 11 program.
  • A number of subjects are full or have limited availability.
  • You will drop a subject at the end of Year 11, so there is often limited benefit in completing a subject for 6 months.
  • Sometimes to make subject changes, you will need to change your other classes (e.g. swapping English/General Maths/Psychology classes).
  • Subject changes will be prioritised in order of need.


Year 11 Study Retreat

The Year 11 Study Retreat runs in the last week of Term 2, following Unit 1 exams. Please ensure parents/carers pay and provide consent through Compass (CSEF funds can be used). Attendance is compulsory. More information about the Study Retreat will be presented at the assembly in Week 8.

2024 Careers and Pathways Support Survey

All Year 11 and 12 students, please complete the following survey for the Careers Team. This will guide the kind of help and information provided to you this year:


Celebrating Success

Congratulations to these Year 12 students for receiving Green Compass posts:
Ella LI
Tristan SASS
Madalyn WONG
Yasmine GOUSAS
Hoang HA