Middle School

Year 9+10

Key Dates

8Mon 3 JuneYear 10 Assembly
8Wed 5 JuneVision board winners celebration
9Mon 9 JuneKing's Birthday - Public holiday
9Fri 14 JuneYear 10 Exams Commence
9Fri 14 JuneVision Board Celebration
10 All WeekYear 10 Exams
10Fri 21 JuneReport writing day - Student-free day
11Mon 24 JuneYear 9 VCE Acceleration Test
11All Week Year 10 Work Experience

Year 10 Work Experience 

Year 10 Work Experience is compulsory. If you have not handed in your work experience forms you must do so ASAP. If you still have not found a placement you need to make an appointment with the Careers Team in A5.


To complete work experience all employers require students to have completed the Safe@Work module. Students were given class time to do this, if you have yet to complete the modules and upload your certificate please do so ASAP. 


Work experience dates: 24 - 28 June


Alpine School 2024 Team

Congratulations to all of the students that applied for Alpine School. We loved reading your applications, listening to your ideas and exploring the community projects. It was a very difficult decision to pick the team as everyone presented so well. 

Well done to the following students on your selection:

  • Alisha Abdoulkarim
  • Louen Courtel
  • Rhyell Kassie
  • Grace Macgregor
  • Ollie Runciman
  • Paige Sass

Operation Newstart Update

Enes and Indiana have been in the Operation Newstart Program for two weeks. In this time they have made some great new friends, completed lots of activities and survived a three day camp. To follow their experience please read the weekly updates below. 


Reporting Absences

Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Morgan Rose on 9091 8133

Celebrating Success

Urban Experience Vision Board Winners

  • 9A - Lyla, Sofia, Curtis, Dante
  • 9B - Gabby, Erin, Darleen, Kirk, Aprille
  • 9C - Ruby and Lilly
  • 9D - Amelie, Sylvana, Adwen, Laaibah
  • 9E - Arti, Jada, Sophia, Izzy, Nikita, Rico
  • 9F - Hannah, Audrey, Clarinda, Francessca, Simran
  • 9G - Noah, Nate, Isaac
  • 9H - Swetha, Jasmine, Maddy, Kaitlyn
  • 9J - Ethan, Josh, Reyvon, Luka
  • 9I - Mary, Dinuri, Eleanor

The winners will be invited to a celebration to acknowledge their great work. It will take place on Wednesday 5th June during period 4. Please meet out the front of middle school. A pizza lunch will be provided. 


Year 10

  • Shayna Rahmani - Environment Leadership Summit
  • Fatima Nazari - Environment Leadership Summit
  • Bonn Pham - Computing
  • Grace Siwek - English
  • Oliver Bergan - English


Congratulations Bella Vartuli

Congratulations to Bella (Y10) for speaking at the Maribyrnong and Moonee Valley Local Learning and Employment Network recently! She was invited to speak about her experience in the Supported Pathways Program. Bella attended the program last year with the support of our amazing Inclusion Team, and completed a work placement at Woolworths. She's pictured with Chloe Fraser (School and Youth Project Officer) from the LLEN. Bella's message to young people attending work experience was, "don't be nervous, just be yourself!"