Junior School

Year 7+8

Workshops: Respectful Relationships

'Sticks & Stones' Follow Up Classes


On Thursday 23 May, Brainstorm Productions presented their student wellbeing performance ‘Sticks & Stones' for Year 7+8.  Since the performance, students have been working with Wellbeing and Junior School teachers in two follow-up workshops designed to develop strategies for managing emotions, seeking help and building respectful relationships. 


The topics in the first workshop included a class discussion on the play with student voice, anger thermometer and anger triggers activities, a meditation to calm yourself and release anger and where to seek help if required. The second workshop focused more on the differences between the Fight/Flight/Freeze responses in the body and looking at the difference between anger, agression and assertiveness. 


We reconfirmed the importance of not being a bystander and how to use social, thinking and physical tools to manage emotions. 

Coordinator Messages

It has been very pleasing to see the students remembering to put their phones in their locker during the school day. A further reminder that locks are still open on many lockers during the school day, please discuss the importance of this with your students to keep their property safe. 


Key Dates

Thu 6 JuneYear 7 Division Sport 
Mon 10 JuneKing's Birthday - Student Free Day 
Thu 13 JuneYear 8 Division Sport 
Fri 14 JuneLast Day to hand in Sem 1 Classwork (to meet reporting deadline) 
Fri 21 JuneReport Writing Day - Student Free Day 

Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Jenny Richards on 9091 8136


For all absences for medical reasons please submit a medical certificate to Junior school, this ensures the attendance percentage will be approved.


All family holidays during term time are unapproved school absences. Students are responsible for catching up on any missed work and assessments and may be required to stay after school to ensure this work is completed prior to the 14 June deadline.

All enquiries should be directed to classroom teachers via Compass.



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