Ziele News

Ziele Day

Happy Ziele Day!  In Week 3, Ziele House celebrated Ziele Day.  Ziele Day is our annual celebration of all things Ziele.   It began a number of years ago when a group of students asked "what day is Ziele's Birthday?". Not Doctor Ziele who we are named after, the house, what day do we celebrate the house? After much debate, it was decided that Ziele Day is May 17, to be celebrated each year on the closest House Meeting to this day. We have been celebrating Ziele Day annually ever since.


What I personally love about Ziele Day is that it was, and continues to be, completely student driven - students asked the question, chose the date, organised the original event... And now remind me about it every year.


This year Ziele House celebrated with Cake and Conversation, coming together as a house, as a family, to share food, and spend time together. Thank you to Olivia Laws and Eligh Spees for baking the official Ziele Day Cakes, and to the many other Ziele family's who provided themed cupcakes, biscuits, slices, and snacks. Our cakes were cut by our House Captains Kate Fraser and Connor Snedden, reportedly they were delicious, by the time I got to the table they had been devoured.

Ziele Captains, Kate Fraser and Connor Snedden
Ziele Captains, Kate Fraser and Connor Snedden


Stay tuned for our next House Event - Beanies4BrainCancer, Ziele House's annual charity fundraiser to raise money for Brain Cancer Research. We will be holding a themed mufti day in Week 8 of this term on Tuesday the 18th of June. The weather promises to be perfect for Beanie wearing.


Ms Danie Evans

Head of House, Ziele