From the Head of the Junior School

Our Junior School students continue to look at the school behavior, ‘Invest’. We are thinking about what it means to be a community and how we invest in the community we have at school. Last week, our Stage 3 Boobooks and Stage 1 Garad used their assembly time to thank some members of our school community, who invest so much behind the scenes. 


Some of the people our students want to thank include:

  • Mrs Arrell and Mrs Boros. These women help us all every single day.
  • Our Properties staff. They are so committed to serving our school and make our campuses such beautiful places to play and learn.
  • Our cleaners. We really appreciate all you do in our school.
  • Mrs Plummer. The work you do to manage our history and share it with all of our school community is so important. Also, thank you for sharing Kedumba with us, we love it!
  • Our bus drivers. Thank you for driving up and down the mountain, and all around and for never being cranky!
  • Our Library staff. We love books in the Junior School and thank you for organizing them for us, and teaching us how to find great literature and interesting research.
  • The OOSHC staff. The OOSHC staff at both of our campuses make sure that when we stay late at school there are loads of fun things to do!
  • And all the Educators and Teachers and everyone else who comes to our school and invests so much.

Our students this week have thanked the parents who invest in our school community. Students don’t understand the financial investment that our parents make ($10 still feels like a lot of money), but our staff do. We appreciate that there is sacrifice in investing in this community. Our students also thanked the parents involved in the Parents and Friends Association in particular. Stage 3 Narran performed some hilarious skits of our P&F in action, and it’s clear that our students see what you do and appreciate it.


Investing in community is more than time and money though. We need to invest trust, and positivity, talent and kindness. These are things we are learning about at school and make the difference between being an educational provider, and being a learning community. It’s not always easy living in community, but it’s definitely worth it. Thank you, sincerely, to everyone who invests in our community to make it a great place of learning and play.


Kind regards,


Rachael J Newton

Head of Junior School