From the Library Resource Centre (LRC)

There seems to be confusion as to what BMGS Libraries hold as part of their collections, especially if a student has dyslexia or other reading difficulties. I have been curating items for several years now to cater for those who have reading difficulties, either due to dyslexia, low reading ability or vision impairment.


What is a School Library? 


A School Library is a safe, relaxing space, containing a diverse collection of items that can be borrowed by students and staff. It is a place where class groups and individuals congregate to work with their class colleagues or friends on school work, to quietly discuss or help each other with class work, study for exams or assessments, to sit by themselves to read, or have a quiet moment in a safe, relaxing environment.


School libraries provide resources that support the curriculum-related research and instructional reading needs of students and teachers. Resources can also be used for general knowledge, personal information or recreational needs. School Libraries and their resources assist with students’ education, literacy needs, personal development and wellbeing, showing diversity and inclusiveness for clientele and resources.


The Senior Library collection holds:

  • Non-fiction books on a huge range of subjects; some interfiled Large print books; and a Reference section for Library only use. Also a small specialised Closed Reserve section with subject books for Y11-12 students. Closed Reserve loans are for overnight use only to ensure that all students have equal access for their study needs. Students are normally directed to this section by their class teachers.
  • Fiction books of many genres, with many themes and topics of interest. This includes some specialised sections for students: Short reads (age appropriate Hi-lo stories in dyslexia font); interfiled Large print books (for vision impaired students, some with dyslexia font); interfiled Dyslexia font books; and Graphic novels. Regardless of the font type or story though, anyone can borrow these items. They are still stories to be read.
  • Audiobooks requested by English staff to supplement required English texts.
  • DVDs.
  • Magazines.
  • Chess and draught sets for lunch time socialising. 

The Junior Libraries also hold Non-fiction and Fiction books, including a small Short Reads section at Wentworth Falls, with age appropriate Hi-lo stories in dyslexia font.


For those who are members of the local BMCC Library network, they also have Large Print and Dyslexia font books for students. 


Go to:  Using the first drop down menu from this link, you can either choose “Kids Library” or “Young Adult” for age appropriate books, then type the word “dyslexia” into the third field for searching. 


I have been assured by BMCC Library staff that both of their major online book vendors also offer dyslexia friendly fonts (BorrowBox and Libby) for those who want it, and also allow you to change settings like font size and colour. BMCC Library staff also accept requests for purchase via the above link, from the “Purchase request” link at the bottom right hand side of the page. There is a field on that form where customers can note they prefer the title in dyslexia font if possible.


For any assistance in either BMGS or BMCC Libraries, please ask Library staff for assistance. We are only too happy to help borrowers with what they need or would like to read. Suggestions and recommendations are welcome!


You can visit me in one of the Libraries for assistance, or email:  


I hope this information is helpful!


Miss Elisabeth Wells

Senior School Information Services Technician