

We discovered and played some old Italian games with Foundation, 1/2 and 3/4 which helped us to learn new Italian vocabulary. 

Now we know new Italian words and we also had the opportunity to talk about everyone’s favourite colours. 

With 5/6 we learnt colours talking about Australian Dollars and Italian Euros, discovering a lot of differences between them (everyone was impressed to know that in Italy they also have a 500 Euros note).

During week 5 we will keep working on “mi piace” and “non mi piace” talking about Italian and Australian animals, and everyone in 1/2, 3/4, and 5/6 will be able to create their own sentences putting together what they learnt during term 1 and 2. 

Now everyone knows enough Italian words to be able to create sentences by themselves!

Grazie mille!

Ciao a tutti!