Principal's message

The Ascension

Mark 16:15-20


Jesus said,"Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel. 

Whoever is baptised will be saved and they will be given the power  to perform miracles." After. he said this , Jesus was taken up into heaven. 

The disciples preached everywhere, the Lord worked with them and miracles were performed.

This was Jesus' last bodily appearance before he was taken  up to heaven, he gave the disciples an important message. 

Go make disciples! He called everyone to be  missionaries, to share his message of love with others. 


Open classroom


Celebration of Learning this Thursday afternoon from 3.20 to 3.50 pm we invite you to pop into your child's class and view their learning environment and the learning achieved this term. 


There are so many exciting things happening in the classrooms. 




On Monday our sacramental children enjoyed their Spirit Day deepening their understanding of the Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist in addition to making their Saint Retablo, their flame badge and decorating a candle. 


These children will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist at a celebration with Bishop Shane, Father Nathan and Mons Cris on Saturday 25th May 4.00 pm in Our Lady's Church. 


Fun Run/Cross Country


This major fundraising event is getting closer, energy is high and the children are excited. There is lots of training for the big run happening during lunch times and play times as well as during sport time. 


The first race starts at 12noon. 




On Monday Jacob Schonafinger informed me that he would be leaving St. Bernard's at the end of term due to family reasons, Jacob will be supporting his young family.  


We will start the recruitment process for a replacement teacher this week, if you have connections with teachers please let them know to get in contact with us about the possibility of working at our school.


Winton Wetland Excursion 5/6


Next Monday our Grade five and six students head to Winton Wetlands to learn about the geography and factors that shape place and space, the impact of fires and floods on the environment and way Aboriginal people used the land and shaped the environment. 


We hope the children enjoy their time at Winton Wetlands. 


Have a great week


Patricia Boak
