In Juniors we have been looking at our connections to different places and the world around us. Junior families tallied the places that they go regularly and we looked at trends across the classroom. We have also been talking about what makes a place special and it has been lovely to hear the students share their stories and experiences. The Juniors have been collecting shoeboxes in preparation to create their very own diorama of a place that is special to them and we can’t wait to see how these turn out.
Students have also been reading, writing and counting up a storm and here are some highlights from the term so far:
Anastasia: My favourite thing this term has been choir and Literacy ‘can do’s.’ I am going to make an ocean for my special place.
Ari: I love Math and learning about shapes.
Akiva: I like Sport. My favourite game is Sharks and Minnows.
Kabo: I like playtime and learning about special places.
Sadie: I liked drawing Bunjil.
Ada: I like playing Steal and Grab during Literacy.