Student Awards



Responsible, Resilient, Respectful





Student Name    AwardReason
Prep G RespectfulMaximus has been a fantastic respectful learner this week. He has done a great job at following instructions from his teachers, supporting his friends and working hard to be a wonderful active member of our school community. Way to go, Maximus!
Prep VLucy Respectful

Lucy has demonstrated what it means to be a respectful learner this week. She consistently shows respect towards her peers and teachers and supports others with their learning. Lucy is always ready to help with any task at hand. Well done Lucy, keep it up!


Junior ASophie HResilientShowing incredible resilience and determination in writing lessons this term. Sophie has been very focused on sounding out her words and has taken on feedback to help her sentence structure. She has worked hard to build her writing stamina and should be very proud of her efforts. Well done, Sophie!
Junior GLola Resilient For showing resilience and independence during our ‘Monster Writing Unit.’ Lola, I was super impressed by your resilience when your monster ripped and you demonstrated amazing problem solving skills as you were able to fix your work.  It has been great to watch you challenge yourself during our writing sessions. I can’t wait to read your next creation. Keep it up, Lola! 
Middle MSofiaResponsible

Sofia has shown great responsibility in her learning this week, using fidget toys effectively to improve her engagement. She makes mindful choices about when she uses these, knowing when they will help her focus and recognising when they are becoming a distraction. Keep up the good work, Sofia!


Middle TEthanResponsibleEthan has continuously shown great responsibility for his learning this year. He is quick to move between activities, keeps and organised workspace and is quick to listen to instructions. It has been wonderful to see Ethan always challenging himself, trying his best and listening to teacher feedback. Keep up the fantastic work Ethan!
Middle JSunnyResilient For the can-do attitude you continually demonstrate in your learning across all areas. Particularly in maths this past week, you took on feedback to work through tricky problems about area and perimeter. You adjusted your strategies with just a few pointers and were able to find the correct measurements with excellent efficiency. Well done Sunny and keep it up!
Senior BGeorge ResilientFor having a resilient attitude towards your learning. It has been wonderful to see you develop a growth mindset and have a go at your set tasks. You have been working very hard in Maths on your addition and subtraction. Miss Tori, Miss Maya and I are very proud of how hard you are working. Well done, George!
Senior OBen RespectfulFor the kindness and consideration you show to both your teachers and classmates. You can always be relied on to help other students and the respect you show all members of our school community is greatly appreciated. Thank you for the calm and positive nature you bring to our classroom Ben!
Visual ArtsJoey ResponsibleOver the past few weeks Joey has really shown a wonderfully responsible attitude toward his learning in the Art Room. He is attending to task instructions without prompts, asks purposeful questions and gets on with the job at hand. He is developing his confidence in all aspects of his learning and is a delight to have in the Art Room every week. 
Performing ArtsPascal Respectful Always leading with kindness and making a purposeful effort to be a positive force in our Performing Arts classroom. Your creativity and imagination is a joy to watch and I am continually impressed by your courage and inclusive attitude towards others. You’re a superstar, Pascal!  
Digital TechnologiesOrlando Responsible

Orlando using his initiative, listening carefully to and following instructions and completing the required task smoothly and collaboratively during our Digitech lesson on algorithms. Well done Orlando, your maturity and your use of common sense was impressive !





Curios, Determined, Collaborative, Creative, Proactive, Self-aware




Week 6 - Learner Quality



Student NameAwardReason
Prep GCleo Determined Learner

This week Cleo has shown determination with her sounding out and reading skills. She is also putting in extra effort with using her blending arm and remembering to read her heart words each day. Well done Cleo!


Prep VAbigailCollaborative Learner

This week, Abigail has shown that she is a collaborative learner through her ability to work with her peers, listen to their ideas and opinions and contribute positively to group activities. In maths this week, Abigail supported her peers in matching ten frames to make 10. Well done Abigail, keep up the hard work!


Junior AElissaCreative

For showing creativity in your writing this term. Elissa you have worked very hard to include a range of adjectives. I was super impressed with your writing about a special place that you visit and the illustrations really made your work come alive. Well done Elissa!


Junior GJack Determined LearnerJack I am so proud of the progress you have made this semester. Your determination and dedication to your writing has been mind blowing and I am so impressed with your ability to have a go independently! Keep it up, Jack! 
Middle MJoshProactiveJosh's dedication to enhancing his writing this week has been outstanding. He went above and beyond by delving into further research to add depth to his work, and creatively transformed his website on Portugal into a detailed trifold pamphlet. Congratulations on your proactive approach and outstanding efforts, Josh!
Middle TPasqualinaSelf-AwarePasqualina has shown self-awareness as a learner time and time again this term. She has asked questions and taken on feedback to carefully edit her Information Report on Greece. In Mathematics, she has eagerly participated in our lessons about fractions. Keep up the brilliant work Pasqualina!
Middle JDylan CollaborativeFor your excellent participation in reading groups throughout this term, particularly when reading fiction texts. This past week you demonstrated a solid understanding of fables’ text structure and were able to infer the moral of several traditional stories. Your inferences used evidence from the text to prove your understanding. Your input is highly valued and we are so lucky to have you!
Senior BHamishDetermined For your determination in staying focused during Maths groups. During our unit on the four operations, you have shown up to our Maths group ready to learn and have remained on task. Your skills are improving everyday through your hard work. Keep up the great work Hamish!
Senior OBridget ProactiveFor the proactive choices you have made during lessons this week. You  have challenged yourself and actively sought out feedback in order to grow as a learner. This was particularly evident in reading lessons in which you developed your skills to critically answer questions about nonfiction texts. Brilliant Bridget!
Visual ArtsGeorge Creative For his outstanding focus and enthusiasm for the Kandinsky inspired landscape we created. George was inspired by his very clever pastel blending piece we did a week earlier and transferred these skills to his landscape. The final result is fabulous, as was his independence during class. So impressive George and keep up the amazing attitude. 
Performing ArtsHana Creative For her outstanding creativity and sense of adventure in Performing Arts.Throughout the Term, Hana has proven herself to be a bold actor brave enough to make strong and interesting choices. Her energy and laughter continually spreads joy and  sets an excellent example for her classmates. Thank you for being such a superstar, Hana! 
Digital TechnologiesAnastasia ResponsibleAnastasia Cutrone for staying on task, asking questions and helping others (including the teacher). You’re usually one of the first people in your class to follow instructions as well at being wonderful at giving others a fair go when it’s their turn. Well done Anastasia, the respect and courtesy you show to others is a great example of the St Joseph’s values in action !


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