NEWSLETTER 21 May 2024

Dear Parents,

Miss Jaclyn is always busy keeping abreast of our socials and sharing the terrific things that are happening at our school.


Congratulations to the following children who received the sacrament of Confirmation last week.  Thank you to Bernadette and the classroom teachers who prepared the children beautifully for this event. See the Education in Faith section of this newsletter for more feedback on our Celebration of Confirmation.

Mother's Day Stall

Thank you to our amazing volunteers who generously gave their time to work at the Mother's Day stall.  Thanks especially to Jo Hadjistamatis for coordinating the stall (for the last time) and to all the families who donated gifts.  The stall raised a whopping $1,870.24. These funds will go towards the resurfacing of our undercroft area.

Cross Country

On May 09, 18 of our students competed in the District Cross Country event at Bundoora Park.  Our children presented with great team spirit on the day, which always fills me with pride.  The way they supported and cheered for each other is truly commendable.


CONGRATULATIONS to the following children who were placed in the first 10 and will compete at the next level - Division competition on Thursday May 30 at Bundoora Park.

  • Saskia Thomas - 2nd position in the 11yr old girls' category
  • Amelia Brown - 9th position in the 11r old girls' category
  • Zahra Lania - 8th position in the 12/13yr old girls' category
  • Charlie Jamieson came in 12th place and is a reserve for the 12/13yr old girls' category

We wish you all the best of luck with the competition next Thursday!!


In preparation for Reconciliation Week Louise has been busy with her art classes updating and rejuvenating our WOMINJEKA and Indigenous flags on our James St fence.  


The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue.  


Now more than ever, the work continues. In treaty-making, in truth-telling, in understanding our history, in education, and in tackling racism. We need connection. We need respect. We need action. And we need change.  

Now more than ever, we need reconciliation.


WOMINJEKA not only means Welcome, but it also means "To Come with Purpose' - and that is certainly what our students have been doing over the last few days!!


A Day in May - fundraiser




This year we will once again be participating in the 'A Day in May' fundraiser.  The ‘A Day in May’ campaign raises funds annually for Challenge’s Musical Moments Trust – a scholarship which funds positive musical experiences for young children diagnosed with cancer.  This year our 'Day in May' will be Thursday May 30.  On this day children can come to school wearing a splash of yellow, or dressed up as a famous rock-star.





School Photo Day is TUESDAY JUNE 04.  

Children are to wear their full school winter uniform on this day this includes black school shoes and the school jumper (not the sports jacket).  Long hair must be tied back with school-coloured hair ties, and students should not wear jewellery or nail polish. Please see the School Uniform section of this newsletter for clarification around uniform requirements.

If you have misplaced your personalised order form, or if you having trouble placing an order please let Kathryn know and I'm sure she'll be able to help out.

Dental Van Onsite

Next week the Dental Van will be onsite.  The Victorian Government's school dental van program provides free dental care to all students at Victorian primary schools.  If you have any questions please contact Kathryn.

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