Junior School News

Ms Sandhu - Year 7 Leader

Year 7 Term 2 started well. Students from 7A to 7H are enjoying music classes alongside their other subjects. 

I congratulate Aknoor who has stepped in with Manya as the Year 7 leader. 


It was a significant moment for the Year 7 group when Dakota represented Year 7 during the ANZAC Day whole school assembly by performing the Acknowledgment of Country. She did this with confidence in front of the entire school. 


Basketball Academy 

The basketball academy is a real achievement for many of Year 7’s who are part of it. Being part of the Basketball academy reflects the commitment and responsibility these students demonstrate weekly. The Cranbourne Secondary College Basketball Academy squad had their first excursion to Ball360au. They experienced coaching, ball handling, wet recovery, and dry compression. It was a lot of fun, and we look forward to our new partnership with Ball360!


Cranbourne Secondary College staff showcased to some of our local primary Grade 6 students the learning opportunities available at this college.