A word from our new school lawyer

Yih-Laine Teen

School Lawyer Program

My name is Yih-Laine Teen, and I am part of the Peninsula Community Legal Centre’s new School Lawyer Program which started during first term.


I am on campus every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays to meet students and provide them with legal support. I am a senior lawyer with 13 years of experience and can provide students with legal advice and undertake casework, including court representation.

The following case provides just one example of how lawyers can help students. This case did not involve a Cranbourne secondary student, but it gives you an idea of how I might be able to help you.


One of my young clients was travelling on the train without swiping their Myki card, resulting in a fine being issued that they could not afford to pay. My client said that they did not have their Myki card on them as they lived in a household where they had experienced family violence over many years, and they often had to leave the house in a rush to escape. I negotiated with Fines Victoria who issued the fine and was able to have the young person’s fine withdrawn.  All appointments with me are free and confidential. Lawyers have a professional duty to provide their clients with confidential advice, which means that I cannot disclose what students discuss with me without the student’s permission (except in extremely limited circumstances).  


I am also giving legal education talks in the classrooms, commencing with the senior school students and working my way down to the junior school students. The initial education talks will cover the areas of law I can assist with and how specifically I can help, using practical examples and case studies like the one I mentioned earlier. The topics include criminal law and issues with police, employment law, fines and infringements, personal safety, family violence, and victims of crime applications.


I will also be attending sessions run by the Wellbeing team so if you see me there, please come and say hi!  


A lot of everyday problems can have a legal solution. I am always open for a confidential chat about anything that might be worrying you where you think a lawyer may be able to help. Even if you’re not sure whether your problem might be legal or have a legal solution, you can always come for a chat to find out.


If you would like to make an appointment, you can find me at the Wellbeing office or complete a self-referral via Compass.