
Ms Bannister

Wellbeing Team leader


Our school community is very fortunate to have access to the SchoolTV website, an award-winning online resource aimed at supporting better mental health and wellbeing for young people.


SchoolTV can help to build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding, and break down barriers by providing information and strategies to assist parents, young people, and families to navigate the challenges of adolescence and start conversations on topics that are sometimes awkward or difficult to tackle.


SchoolTV consists of a wide range of videos, articles, links, podcasts, interviews and more on topics including:

  • Cybersafety
  • Mental Health
  • School Survival
  • Healthy Body
  • Positive Parenting
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • And others

This is a great resource for parents of young people who are struggling with things like school refusal, friendship issues, sleep issues, exam jitters, managing screen time, neurodiversity, and many others. Each week we share links to remote specific SchoolTV topics and resources via Compass, the school website, and the school Facebook page. Families can also access SchoolTV using the below QR code or via the following link: https://cranbournesc.vic.schooltv.me/



Canine Comprehension Program

A select group of Year 8 students are participating in the Canine Comprehension program. Throughout the Canine program they teach students to develop an awareness and understanding of verbal and non-verbal communication indicators. They work with hands, such as tone of voice, body language, facial gestures, plus vocal conversations.

In a recent session, the students played a hide and seek game with Marley as well as learning how to give Marley instructions. In this session, Marley was able to jump up for a treat, this was great new learning for our students and new learning for Marley.



Lunchtime Basket Weaving 

Fiona, our Art Therapist is running a Lunchtime Basket Weaving activity. In last week’s session, we focused on getting our baskets started. Everyone was keen to come back next week to continue the spiral and see the basket grow. We also passed around baskets made from different materials and by different makers, including those made by Fiona and Aboriginal artists from desert communities.



We are currently running DRUMBEAT with a small group of year 10 students. The name DRUMBEAT is an acronym for Discovering Relationships Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes, Emotions and Thoughts. Students attend a weekly program that interweaves learning drumming rhythms together with discussion around themes that include self-responsibility, values, emotional expression, identity, peer pressure, harmony, and teamwork. Last week, we were lucky to have one of the Assistant Principals, Mr Massouris, drop in to say hi and he enjoyed it so much he decided to stay and join in the fun.


RAISE Mentoring 

We are pleased to share that the Raise Youth Mentoring program is running again this year, with a select group of year 8 students. Young people who graduate from the Raise program experience growth in resilience, help seeking skills, sense of belonging and hope for the future. All sessions are facilitated by a qualified Raise Program Counsellor.Raise mentors are carefully selected volunteers who have completed Raise best practice youth mentoring training. All mentors are screened, trained and have Working with Children and National Crime checks. Raise mentors will visit your school as a group each week of the program for approximately one hour of supervised mentoring, followed by confidential support and development.




At Cranbourne Secondary College we support and celebrate all students and staff, regardless of their backgrounds, culture, sexual orientation, beliefs, religion, or experiences. We want to ensure everyone has a voice and is included, respected, and accepted.

It was great to see so many staff and students out enjoying the lunchtime activities to celebrate IDAHoBIT. 

IDAHOBIT is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia. The day raises awareness of the violence and discrimination against LGBTQIA+ communities worldwide.  


Staff showed their support by dressing in Rainbow and students engaged in Rainbow activities such as face painting, bracelet making, mindful colouring and a place to acknowledge and leave a positive affirmation to our school Rainbow community. Celebrations such as IDAHoBIT help create a culture where people feel safe and can be themselves.

Activities included- Badge making, Rainbow coloured hair spray, Bracelet making, Mindful Colouring and a place to acknowledge and leave a positive affirmation to our school Rainbow community.