Respectful Relationships

Ms Watson

Respectful Relationships Coordinator

Sadly, but importantly, the issue of gender-based violence has featured heavily in the news recently.


Respectful Relationships (RR) is a whole-school prevention initiative by the Department of Education aiming to reduce gender-based and family violence. It promotes respect and gender equality and helps students learn how to build healthy relationships.

One element of RR is its placement in our Engagement and Health Curriculum. This term, the following topics will be covered:


  • Year 7: ‘Emotional literacy’
  • Year 8: ‘Gender, respect and relationships’
  • Year 9: ‘Personal strengths’ and ‘Emotional literacy’ + ‘Gender, Power and the Media’
  • Year 10: ‘Help Seeking’ + SECASA workshops discussing, family violence, online safety, pornography and consent.
  • Year 11: ‘Challenge, opportunity and personal strengths’
  • Year 12: ‘Stress management’.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding Respectful Relationships at Cranbourne Secondary, please contact:

If you have concerns or questions regarding your own or somebody else’s safety please contact

  • 1800 RESPECT (1800 737732)