Acting Principal Report

Catherine Gilchriest

Dear Parents/carers, students, and families,


I hope this newsletter finds you well. As we navigate the latter part of Semester One, I am delighted to share some important updates about our leadership team, exciting news about upcoming capital works, and a heartfelt thank you for our recent school celebrations.

I have stepped into the role of Acting Principal during David Caughey’s leave for 5 weeks this term. It is an honour to serve our school community in this capacity, and I am committed to ensuring that our school continues to thrive during this period. During my tenure as Acting Principal, Marney McLean will be stepping into my Student Engagement and Wellbeing role. Marney has been a pivotal figure in our school, consistently demonstrating her passion for fostering a positive and inclusive school environment. Additionally, Olivia Grant will be taking on Marney’s responsibilities as the Assistant Principal for Years 10-12. Her approach and strong leadership skills will be invaluable during this transitional period.


I am thrilled to share that in the recent State Budget it was announced that our school has been allocated just over $9 million for significant upgrades. This funding will be used to enhance our facilities, providing a more modern and conducive learning environment for our students. Planned improvements include state-of-the-art classrooms, a library and enhanced STEM and technological resources. These upgrades will greatly benefit our students’ educational experiences and support their academic and extracurricular pursuits. We will keep you informed as we progress with these exciting developments.


I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to our Multipride students and Sarah Carr and George Massouris for their incredible efforts in organising Harmony Week. The activities and events were a resounding success, bringing our community together in celebration of our diversity and shared values. Highlights of Harmony Week included a spirited staff and student soccer game, an entertaining open mic session, and the Eid Festival. The kebabs and delightful tea tasting added a delicious and festive touch, while the fashion parade showcased the diversity of our school community. These events not only provided a platform for cultural expression and understanding but also strengthened the bonds within our school community. Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to making Harmony Week such a memorable and enriching experience.

Currently, our students are completing the Attitudes to School Survey. This survey is an important tool for us to gather valuable feedback directly from our students about their school experience. It covers various aspects, including their learning experiences, engagement, wellbeing, and overall satisfaction. We value student feedback and voice, as it helps us identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. By listening to our students, we can create a more supportive and effective learning environment tailored to their needs.


I am pleased to report the success of our recent learner conferences. These conferences provided a valuable opportunity for students, parents, and teachers to engage in meaningful discussions about student progress and goals. Building on this success, our next round of learner conferences will be held in a hybrid fashion. This will allow parents the flexibility to make appointments either online or in person at the college. We believe this hybrid approach will accommodate varying preferences and schedules, ensuring that all parents and carers have the opportunity to participate fully.


I would also like to congratulate our past student and existing employee Ezel Duyer for being awarded the AFL Sports Ready Trainee of the Year. This is a remarkable achievement and a testament to Ezel’s dedication, hard work, and outstanding performance. We are incredibly proud of Ezel and look forward to seeing all the wonderful things they will accomplish in the future.


We recently celebrated Education Support Personnel Day, recognising the invaluable contributions of our support staff. Their dedication and hard work are essential to the smooth running of our school and the success of our students. We are deeply grateful for their commitment and the positive impact they have on our school community.

As always, we appreciate your continued support and understanding. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our administration office.

Thank you for your trust in our leadership and your unwavering commitment to our school’s success.


Catherine Gilchriest

Acting Principal