Getting to know Woodlands Staff 

This year in our Newsletter we will be getting to know the Staff Members at Woodlands PS!


Name: Kristen Clowes 

Position at school: Visual Art

Favourite food: Italian and Greek food 

Favourite sports team: Saints

Favourite animal: My dogs and Cats 

Favourite Colour: Purple

Fun Fact: I was on who wants to be a millionaire and won $1000



Name: Petra Morton

Position at school: Year 4 Teacher 

Favourite Food: Middle Eastern cuisine 

Favourite sports team: Collingwood 

Favourite animal: Elephant 

Favourite Colour: Green

Fun Fact: I went to the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992 and it was amazing!



Name: Rob Salerni

Position at school: Year 5 Teacher 

Favourite Food: Pizza 

Favourite sports team: Geelong Cats 

Favourite animal: Fennec Fox 

Favourite Colour: Blue 

Fun Fact: I have never watched a Harry Potter or Star Wars film!