Wellbeing News

St Martin’s de Porres Feast Day Celebrations
St Martin de Porres Feast Day is on Friday 3rd November. To recognise this special day, our school will be participating in a range of activities and celebrations together. We would like to celebrate our rich diversity and cultures that bring us together as one community.
Students are encouraged to come to school in clothes that help celebrate their family culture/history. Students may like to wear any traditional clothing, colours that represent their cultures flag, they may have sports clothes that represent their cultural background. Students could also choose to wear the colour orange as a symbol of harmony as per our Harmony Day celebrations this year. This is not a casual clothes day and students are still welcome to wear their school uniform if they prefer.
To begin our celebrations we will start with a Liturgy in our church. Families are welcome to attend at 9:10 - 9:40am.
Student Voice and Leadership
Some of our student leaders have been working hard to create a child safety document to display their understanding of the 11 Child Safe Standards. The student leaders wanted to help all students at SMDP read and understand what the 11 standards mean in student friendly language. The leaders have designed the document to be displayed in all classrooms by the end of this term. The student leaders will visit each class and talk to their peers about the importance of this document so that students understand how their school community helps to keep them safe.
Kathy Blythe
Student Wellbeing Leader
Simone Whitehead
Family Engagement Leader