Art & Technology

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A huge term for the Year 7 and 8 Systems Rotations! Our students have worked through Term 3 very well and managed to create some incredible products and circuits. 


Year 7

Year 7 students completed their Make a Difference (MAD) project where they researched a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) developed by the United Nations. They used their research and knowledge about the issues we are experiencing at Local, National and Global scales and tried to create a prototype for a machine that could solve each of these issues. We saw designs that solved a broad range of issues, such as:

  • Robots that swept the surface of the ocean for any rubbish before turning it into renewable energy sources, 
  • Automatic tree planters to tackle deforestation, and 
  • Education Robots that are free of charge to help those who cannot afford or access quality education. 

The year 7 ‘make a difference project’ was one that pushed students to think outside to the box in hopes to solve one of the 17 world goals. The project came with its challenges, but altogether it was an enjoyable process that pushed us all to create something new for a good cause. 

~ Sami Waddell


Year 8

Year 8 students completed their first Circuitry Project, learning how Series Circuits work before creating one of their own. Students did some research and applied their knowledge of Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors, LED’s and various wiring to create their circuit. 


They designed a character which was placed in front of their circuit, where the two LED’s would be incorporated into the design. Some students picked their favourite TV show character, making their eyes light up, whilst others chose to make their family emblem and give it a halo glow from behind. Some chose their favourite sporting equipment. 


Students had to overcome some frustrations with their soldering, working through many moving components, whilst they tried to add more. Overall, every student managed to complete the project and take it home to display. 



All students in Year 7 and 8 should be very proud of the work they have achieved. Good luck to them for their final rotation of the year. 😊



Amber Thomson

Art & Technology


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