SSL Yr 7 Wellbeing Day 

School for Student Leadership Community Learning Project - Year 9

The CLP stands for Community Learning Project. CLP’s can be a range of things, but their primary goal is to achieve something within the community. While those of us that went to the School for Student Leadership, Snowy River Campus, were gone for Term 1, we spent some of our time there planning our CLP, which took place last Wednesday.


We chose a wellbeing day because so much youth are affected by their own mental health each and every day and so we were finding some activities and strategies the year 7 cohort can do by themselves or they can teach others about to increase awareness about being mentally healthy. We chose to run sport because people love to be running around with friends and playing fun games, we chose the mindfulness activities so that when you are stressed you can receive help from people and you know how, or you can help yourself when you feel this way.


The day was a success! Half of the year 7 classes participated in a rotation of sport activities including dodgeball, handball, and dance. The other half of year 7 classes engaged in meditation, mindfulness colouring and a range of activities focused on wellbeing in the classroom. We were so happy to see all the year 7s enjoying the sport and mindfulness activities as well as the sausage sizzle at lunchtime with smiles on their faces.

By doing this CLP we were hoping to teach the year 7s more strategies to deal with stress and improve their wellbeing. We would like to say a massive thankyou to the year 7s for their participation on the day. Another big thankyou goes to Ms Murnane for all her help with preparation! Thank you to Gemma, Micheal, and Mr Doble for all their help on the day. We’d also like to thank all of the student volunteers who helped with the lunchtime sausage sizzle!


Mica Gavrilovic, 

Leo Beveridge & Maggie Shores

Year 9 School for 

Student Leadership Students 2023