School Council

After a year of watching my sister attend School Council meetings, I decided it was time for me to join as well. Despite the heavy workload of Year 12, I couldn’t let this opportunity go and my time on the Council has only added to my love for our school.
While I have only attended meetings online so far, I have been enlightened by the true hard work and dedication that goes into running MGSC. Previously, I did not appreciate how significant this team was in initiating change and developing the College into the best possible environment. We are so lucky to have such an amazing group of people who lend their time to benefitting our community.
The most recent meeting on September 12th was short and sharp where we discussed crowding on the 825 bus route and approved navy socks to be worn with the school trousers: a slight uniform amendment that will be implemented next year.
I am looking forward to the upcoming meetings and hope to leave an impression on the school before it’s time to say farewell!
Elloise Prior (Year 12)
School Council Student representative