
Upcoming key events & dates
Check Newsfeeds and Compass for confirmed dates and individual student's schedules including year level events.
Tuesday 24 October - VCE written exams commence
Monday 6 November - Staff Professional Development. Student Free Day.
Tuesday 7 November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Wednesday 15 November - VCE exams end
Thursday 16 November to Thursday 23 November - End of year exams Year 11 to 9. Exam schedule - TBC
Friday 24 November - Report Writing. Student Free Day.
Monday 27 November - Headstart begins
Friday 8 December - Last day 2024 Year 12, 11 & 10 (2023 Year 11, 10 & 9)
Friday 15 December - Last day 2024 Year 9 & 8 (2023 Year 8 & 7)
Wednesday 20 December - Staff last day for 2024. (Office closes 19 Dec at 4.15pm)
School term dates for 2026
There have been changes to Victorian school term dates for 2026. Following the announcement that the 2026 Commonwealth Games in Victoria will not proceed, the original 2026 school term dates have been reinstated.
The 2026 Victorian school term dates are:
Term 1: Tuesday 27 January to Thursday 2 April
Term 2: Monday 20 April to Friday 26 June
Term 3: Monday 13 July to Friday 18 September
Term 4: Monday 5 October to Friday 18 December
For the list of school term dates until the end of 2030, refer to School term dates and holidays in Victoria.