Student Engagement and Wellbeing 

Mr James Gagliardi 

Our new School Community Garden has been made possible thanks to the wonderful community support we've been lucky to receive already. 


  • The complete cost of our fencing was made possible through a Community Grant we were awarded through the Friends of the Fields (Essendon Fields Community Engagement Group).
  • Our soil, seedlings and gardening equipment was made possible thanks to Bunnings Coburg

Stephanie is the Bunnings Coburg Community Activities Organiser and she has been a tremendous support in helping our school with advice, manpower and resources. 


1A and 34B were two lucky grades that won our school raffle to participate in the Bunnings Planting Incursion. On Tuesday, Stephanie and Immy from Bunnings came out to run a planting session where our lucky students joined some of our school leaders and helped plant the first seedlings across our garden. The students were also lucky enough to be given their own pot to decorate and plant a seedling to take home. 


Watch this space for further developments to our garden. We look forward to the wonderful shared space this will become for students, staff and parents of our community. 


PLEASE NOTE: if you are a parent with a green thumb or an artistic set of skills who would love to get involved with our garden, whether through creating decorations or getting involved in helping grow this space. Please feel free to contact Mr James Gagliardi (Mr G).