Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef, Mrs Rowena Lytton and Mrs Elena Grande

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Term 4! This term is a long one but we know that Term 4 is a busy one that will make the time fly by. It's the last term of Prep for our little friends before they move on up into Grade 1. This term we have our 8 day swimming program and our school concert. 


We would like to remind all families that students must wear a hat in Term 4. No Hat, No Play. The sun in Term 4 is harsh, as we are a sun smart school, students without a hat will not be able to play in the yard and must play under the shaded area of the library. 



This term, our Preps have began exploring narrative writing. We have been so impressed with the creativity and story telling of all students. The Preps will spend a large portion of this term creating narratives of their choice. 


Check out some of the stories that have been created so far; 


In maths, we have been investigating skip counting and sharing numbers into equal and fair groups. Our students have been working hard to demonstrate their understanding of sharing.


We looked at problems such as "I have `10 dogs, how many dogs can I feed fairly with these bones?" and "Sarah, Mary and Kate had 21 dress ups. They wanted to share their dress ups fairly so they all got the same amount. How many would each person get? ". Students had great reasoning skills and were able to explain their thinking.