Specialist News

Visual Arts - Physical Education - Music & Performing Arts  &  S.T.E.M.

Mrs Buffinton, Mr Rees, Mr Stamp and Mr Lytton.



Good afternoon Families,


There are a few innitiatives that the AFL will be rolling out over the break to keep football front of mind throughout the community well into the Summer months.


They will be running ‘Summer Hubs’ this time at a single location, Fairbairn Park in Ascot Vale. Last year there was an uptake across the EDFL region in modified football and hope to see the same again this year. They have had a slight revamp of the programs and competitions being offered, which have outlined with a small paragraph explainer on each for you below. There is also an attached PDF flyer for each program.


Summer Hub – Ascot Vale (Fairbairn Park)

Summer Hub - Ascot Vale (Fairbairn Park) will run from 02/11/2023 for 4-8 weeks (depending on the program or competition) at Fairbairn Park from 4-8pm (depending on the program or competition).


Auskick - Participants aged 5-8 will be able to take part in this shorter-run program as the best first experience learning Australian football. Run by a team of talented AFL staff members, the after-school program will teach Auskickers how to play footy via fun, game-based activities. This program is also designed to help all individuals, no matter their residency or socio-background, get the Auskick experience. The program will run for 4 weeks from 02/11 between (roughly) 4:00-5:00pm and registrations are all individual, with the link copied below. The cost is $40 per participant.



Superkick – (formally known as Junior X) Participants aged 8-12 will participate in a 5-week program called Superkick. Superkick is next level fun for children who are new to footy or want to continue to grow their skill levels. It will contain skills and real game simulation in one session with 10-15 minutes at the start allocated to a warm-up/skill development based activity and 40-45 minutes for a 9v9 game. The registration process for this is slightly different to last year as participants will only be able to register as an individual. Pending the number of registrations, participants may be allocated into age groups & teams closer to the program start date. Unfortunately this year, there’s no process as yet to register a team in this program, meaning we can’t guarantee participants will be placed into the same team as friends etc. The program will run for 5 weeks from 02/11. Games will consist of 4 x 10 minute quarters between (roughly) 4:00-5:30pm. The games will not be scored and there won’t be any finals played. The cost is $50 per participant.





NMR Athletics

Congratulations to the students who competed at the recent athletics carnival.The team was very competitive in all the events they competed in.

Charlotte Bell (Discus)

Theo Torcasio (200m)

These two students have both qualified for the SSV State Championships which will be held shortly at Alber Park in the city. Both students came second.





S.TE.M. Incursion


At the end of Term 3, Swinburne University sent two teaching scientists to our school to run an incursion for the Grade 2 students and the Grade 5-6 students.


The Grade 2s were introduced to another type of robot that could be programmed. In the STEM program we use the Bluebot robots but for the Incursion was all about robots that are programmed using LINE programming. The students had to make the robots follow a pattern, react to noise, react to light and bounce around shapes. However the highlight of the day was the Sumo wrestling rectangle where the robots battled it out to be the last one standing.


The Grade 5-6s continued their learning about electrical circuits. They need to connect the circuits to make sure they had power and then build circuits to achieve a goal of building a dancing robot.

In other STEM news, some students from Grade 34 and 56 came up to help run a lesson on light and how it moves for  some of the preps.