Student Awards

Student of the Week 15/09/2023
Class | Student | Reason |
| Herminey | For trying your personal best in every task this week. You have been making the most of your learning time by staying focused on your work. Well done and keep up the good work! |
12C | Hunter | For working consistently on all set tasks. You have shown that you are a capable student who is willing to help others. Keep up the great work, Hunter! |
23R | Lexie | For completing a successful terms work. You have a positive attitude towards your learning and this has been reflected in the improvement in all your assessment results. Well done on a great effort Lexie! |
34W | Max | Welcome back. Your PowerPoint presentation was delivered perfectly, and you have provided us with an opportunity to build on our strength of persistence. Making origami cranes certainly required lots of patience. Thank you Max. |
34S | Emilia
| Emilia, you are a wonderful class member! You can be relied upon to give everything a red hot go and your calmness rubs off on people! |
| Ash | For taking responsibility for all areas of learning during this term; you earned considerable amounts of money for your spelling and submitted some excellent writing pieces too. Keep up the great work! |
| For always producing excellent work, having a responsible attitude and using impressive time management strategies. You are also showing great leadership skills as you competently assist other students. During games you play fairly and encourage others to do their best and make good choices. A fantastic effort! |
Science | Myllah | This week’s Science Award goes to a student who attempted all activities to the best of her ability and achieved excellent results for the topic of Sport Science. Congratulations to Myllah. |
Values Rohan | Azalea | This week’s Values Award goes to a polite, hard-working student who always likes to assist staff and others in her class. She always has a positive attitude and is a great listener. Congratulations to Azalea. |
Student of the Week 6/10/2023
Class | Student | Reason |
| Alison | For overcoming adversity and putting in a great week’s work even with a broken arm! Well done and keep up the good work. |
12C | Jayda | For having a fantastic start to Term 4! You have worked hard in all areas this week. It has been great to see you focussing on your handwriting and completing some excellent work. Well done Jayda! |
23R | Liham | For always working hard to achieve his best. Liham is a responsible, confident learner and the neat presentation of his work is a credit to him. Keep up the great work! |
34W | Brooke | Well done on a great week of learning. You have written your debate for next week's final as well as staying on top of your learning in the class. Keep up the great work Brooke! |
34S | Iylla | Iylla, I love the enthusiasm you show during our daily Literacy block – you are a spectacular reader – you explain your understanding with lively detail, and your writing also shows an incredible ‘author’s voice’ too – Il look forward to reading your published autobiographical excerpt! |
| Zavier | For participating enthusiastically in all classes this week. You worked hard to complete all tasks to a high standard and assisted others with their learning. Great job Harvey!
Lil | For participating constructively in all activities. Your writing task 3D construction, was excellent and reflected elements of your story. Lil, you have also successfully completed tasks during maths sessions. A super effort.
Science | Noah | This weeks science award goes to a hard working student who applied themselves fully and achieved outstanding results for the topic of lego robotics. Congratulations to Noah. |
Art | Logan | For your perseverence with the Art task this week. It was wonderful to see how proud you were of the art that you created. |
Dance/ Health | Iylla | For her wonderful contribution to class discussions and her enthusiasm towards our next topic of learning in Health. Iylla put in her best effort when completing the learning task this week, showing detail and wonderful presentation of work. Keep up the great work Iylla!
Values Rohan | Justice | This weeks values award goes to a student who demonstrated resilience and perseverance to achieve excellent results in all learning tasks this week. Congratulations Justice. |