From the Principal's desk

Welcome to term 4 and the beautiful spring weather with longer days. I would like to welcome some new staff around the school, please say hello when you meet them. We have three new education support staff; Dani Van der Burg, Melissa Onken and Raeley Davidson. They started last week and have already made a difference around the school. Lisa McCrae will be a classroom teacher with us next year. Lisa will be supporting our 2024 Prep's with their transitions on Mondays this term.
Numurkah Primary will begin volunteering with Meals on Wheels. Thank you to Tam and Kylie who will be assisting with this. We will be asking for some help from our year 5 and 6 students who would also like to volunteer on a Thursday to support this valuable program.
Events coming up:
We have a lot of things happening in Term 4. Tomorrow, the year 3/4 debating final will be held, everyone is welcome to attend. On Wednesday we are lucky to have a free Lego performance by the 'Bee on the Team' education group for our whole school to enjoy. Next week the year 3/4s will head off to camp. I am excited to be going on this camp with them. The year 5/6s will head off to Camp Wyuna on the 8th of November. On the 25th of October we have a student free day for the Numurkah Show. The Monday before Melbourne Cup will be an assessment and reporting student free day for staff to prepare students Semester 2 reports.
2024 Prep
We had our first Prep transition session this week; these will continue each Monday until the State-wide Orientation Day on the 12th of December. The students who attended had a fantastic time singing and completing activities with Mrs. McCrae. If any families have not sent back enrolment forms for a child starting in 2024 please contact the office to organise this as soon as possible.