
Hai semua (Hi everyone)!


We have had a wonderful term in Indonesian classes. Our learning outcomes for the students have exceeded my expectations. Well done everyone!


Our Foundation students have focused on learning how to use Indonesian language to address different people in our school. Last week we went on a tour of the school and used target vocabulary to say good afternoon to each adult we saw. It was a lot of fun.


Our Grade 1 and 2 students have been learning new verbs to make simple sentences. Look at this great work below!



Our Grade 3s and 4s have completed a unit studying household objects and items. Here are some houses they designed labeling various objects with the words they have learnt this term. Some of the labels also describe shape and size, using the correct Indonesian word order. 



In the Senior Learning Community we have been learning about animals in the rainforest. Students are able to use Indonesian language to describe the habitat, diet and features of many different animals that can be found in Indonesian rainforests. 


At the end of the term your child/ren will be bringing home a booklet with all of their written work from Term 3. Keep an eye out for this great resource coming home soon. 


Please get in touch of you are planning a trip to Indonesia for your family. I have some fact sheets and simple Indonesian phrases that might be useful to you.


If you have any questions about the Indonesian program, please feel free to email me


Have a wonderful holiday break!


Ibu (Mrs) Ally Brennan