Grade 2 

Term 3 - Week 9

This week the Grade 2's were busy prepping for a fun filled excursion to the Ballarat Wildlife Park. (However, due to the terrible weather forecast we have postponed this excursion.) The students created a poster of fun facts about the Wildlife Park and watched some awesome videos about all of the animals. 

Some of the fun facts we learn't were:

- Crunch the Crocodile has not grown in length for the last 8 years and eats one chicken a week. 

- Teacup is a boa constrictor at Wildlife Park. Snakes do not have ears. 

- The giant tortoises at the Wildlife park have extremely fragile shells, like skin. 


In maths this week we have been learning about solving subtraction problems. We have also been learning about time and working with quarter to and quarter past. 

In Literacy, the students have been working on their own narrative piece. The students created their own version of 'A nice walk in the jungle.' We cannot wait to show our special people our amazing stories. 


We had a wonderful day on Wheelie Wednesday and we were so grateful the sun was shining!


We are all looking forward to a wonderful last week of term!