Level 1
Level 1
Welcome back to another fun-filled term of learning! We are excited to jump into lots of fun activities and have already begun exploring our new topics for the term. This term in Level 1 in Inquiry, we will be learning all about History. We are excited to be learning about the past, our present and the future. Having conversations at home throughout the term about your family’s history will be beneficial for the students and their learning in Inquiry.
This week in Reading we have begun a new reading skill. The students have been learning all about critiquing. We have been working towards sharing our opinions and thoughts about a book and looking at the front and back covers, characters and plot, to determine whether the book is an interesting book and one we want to read. Students have had the opportunity to be their own book critic, writing book reviews about their favourite book (pictured below). The teachers have loved learning about all the different types of books the students love, and the students have enjoyed sharing with each other, the reasons why their book is a ‘must read’. At home, you can be supporting your child in their reading by asking them to critique their reader, each night. Asking questions like ‘what do you think of the front cover?’, ‘does the blurb give us much information about what the book will be about?’ and ‘what did you think of the characters or the story?’ can all help to support your child in critiquing the books they read.
In Maths, we are currently learning about Money. In 1KR we have created money caterpillars (pictured below) and the students added up how much their caterpillar cost. The students had fun decorating their caterpillars and were excellent in demonstrating their addition skills!
Nia 1KR Reggie 1KR Lara 1KR
This term we started off with writing some holiday recaps in the form of a postcard (pictured below). It was awesome to hear and read about all the fun and exciting holiday adventures that the students had. Moving forward in the term, we will be exploring persuasive writing and information reports. To support your child in their writing at home, you can get them to write letters to you, persuading you about something that they might like! It can be a fun way to bring their learning home with them.
Holiday postcards Holiday recount by Madilyn 1KR
- Level 1 Excursion to Como House payment due: Sunday 29th October 2023
- 1KR and 1RK Assembly Item - Friday October 20th 2:45 in the gym
- Whole school swimming – Week 4 (October 23rd – 27th)
- Level 1 Excursion Wednesday November 15th (1CR and 1EJ), Thursday November 16th (1KR and 1RK)