Wellbeing - Assistant Principal
Marcus Leonard
Wellbeing - Assistant Principal
Marcus Leonard
Over the past couple of years HEPS has introduced a multi-aged wellbeing program called Connect Groups. This has involved students from all across the school participating in activities designed to increase connections between students, staff and parents. The activities that students have participated in have revolved around the PERMAH model for Positive Education.
According to the Department of Education;
The PERMAH model suggests that wellbeing is cultivated by the presence of the following factors:
At HEPS we strongly believe in listening to and responding to feedback. Therefore we have made a couple of small changes to the way that Connect Groups will function in Term 4.
We have decided to change the configuration of the groups from whole school into Senior (3-6) and Junior (F-2). This will allow for more age appropriate activities to be planned and taught. On Monday night all staff participated in planning the remaining Connect Group Sessions which will be;
Friday 13th October
Friday 3rd November
Friday 24th November
If you have a Working with Children's Check please feel free to come along.